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The next morning, Carly and Freddie wake up to a new day, eager to face whatever comes their way. The previous day's ups and downs have strengthened their bond, and the anticipation of becoming parents continues to fill their hearts. As they prepare for the day ahead, Carly and Freddie find themselves ready to share the exciting news with their friends and make more memories on this journey of parenthood.

Carly, the first one up, tiptoes out of the bedroom to avoid waking Freddie. However, she's greeted by a bout of morning sickness.

Carly whispers to herself, "Great start to the day."

Freddie, now awake, groggily mumbles, "Morning, Carly. What's going on?"

Carly, trying to hide her discomfort, greets him with a smile, "Good morning, babe. Just a little morning sickness. Don't worry about it."

Freddie, concerned, sits up, "You sure you're okay? Do you need anything?"

Carly, with a reassuring tone, says, "I'm fine, just part of the pregnancy package. I might need some crackers, though."

Freddie nods, "I'll get you some. And maybe a glass of water. Hang on."

As Freddie heads to the kitchen, Carly takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the day ahead. The challenges of the morning sickness don't overshadow the excitement of the news they have to share with their friends.

Freddie returns with crackers and water, handing them to Carly.

Freddie: "Here you go. Feeling any better?"

Carly takes a sip of water, "A bit. Thanks, Freddie."

Freddie, sitting beside her, asks, "Do you want me to make you some breakfast, or should I order something?"

Carly, appreciating the offer, smiles, "How about we order something? I'm not in the mood for cooking today."

Freddie grabs his phone, "Alright, any cravings or preferences?"

Carly chuckles, "Surprise me. Just nothing too spicy."

Freddie grins, "Got it. I'll find something delicious and not spicy. Breakfast is on its way."

As Freddie places the order, Carly can't help but feel grateful for Freddie's thoughtfulness. The morning sickness might linger, but with Freddie by her side, Carly faces it with a smile, knowing they're in this together.

Freddie, sitting next to Carly, asks, "I'll cook, babe, if you want me to. Or are you just craving some takeout food?"

Carly, appreciating his offer, replies, "You're sweet, Freddie. But today, I think I'm in the mood for some takeout. No offense to your cooking skills, of course."

Freddie laughs, "None taken. Takeout it is. Any specific cuisine you're in the mood for?"

Carly thinks for a moment, "How about something light? Maybe a salad or some sushi?"

Freddie nods, "Sounds good. I'll order a variety so you can pick what you're in the mood for. Anything else you need right now?"

Carly smiles, "Just your company, Freddie. And maybe another cracker."

Freddie hands her another cracker, "You got it. I'll take care of the food order, and then we can relax and enjoy a quiet morning together."

As Freddie places the takeout order, Carly looks forward to a relaxed morning with her thoughtful husband, grateful for the simple joys of their shared moments.

Millicent approaches Freddie while he's handling the takeout order.

Millicent: "Hey, Dad. Is it okay if I go hang out with Grandma B today?"

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