Helping me

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(There is no grabber in this story!)

(Finny's POV)

I was walking down the hall to find my locker, I looked around because i felt like someone was following me, I turned around and saw Matt, Matty, and Buzz, I quickly realized what I had to do so I took a sharp turn to the left into the school bathrooms.

I locked myself in one of the stalls when I heard the bathroom door open and close. "We know you're in here fag!" Buzz said laughing "come out come out where ever you are" I opened the stalls door and went out to face the three. "C-can you guys maybe not beat me today?" I said sarcastically. Buzz stepped closer to me with a grin on his face.

He then turned around quickly and looked at the door to see Robin standing and waiting for him to notice (ofc if he got too close to Finny, he would step in emidiatly😍) when I saw Robin I couldn't help but blush a little. "Move dipshits," Robin said calmly to the three. They emidiatly obeyed like the pusses they are.

He stepped toward the sink with his bloody fists and began to wash them, Matt, Matty, and Buzz were on their way out until Robin said something, "Wait.. If you ever fuck with Finn again I fuck with you. Understand?" He said calmly but a bit more serious than before.

The three of them looked at each other and looked back at Robin, Robin looked at them. "You can leave now!.." Robin said.

I blushed again and looked at his fists. "Do you need help?" I said with a smile."Yeah, thanks." Robin smiled back.

(Robin's POV)
I walked into the school bathrooms and saw Matt, Matty and Buzz bullying Finny by saying bad things to him, I stod behind the three and watched as Buzz walked towards Finny ready to punch him.

He quickly turned around when I took a deep breath. "Move dipshits," I said calmly but a bit forward. They quickly obeyed and moved back against the wall and let me walk through.

I walked over to the sink and started washing the blood of my fists, Matt, Matty, and Buzz were on their way out when I said, "Wait.. If you ever fuck with Finn again I fuck with you. Understand?" I said calmly, but more seriously.

The three of them looked at each other and looked at me again. "You can leave now!.." I said angrily. They walked out of the bathroom.

I looked over at Finny, then back at my fists. He was blushing lightly and looking at my fists. "Do you need help?" He said, smiling."Thanks, sure." I smiled back at him.

He walked over to me and took my hand. "Can you sit on the sink?"

(The sinks looked like this!)

"Can you sit on the sink?" Finny said, I quickly jumped on the sink sitting down with my legs hanging over the edge "Do you need bandages? We can get some from the nurse." I said and looked at Finny who was rinsing my hand under cold water "No need! I have some on my backpack." I looked at him."Why do you have bandages in your backpack?" I said, questioning why he had bandages.

(Finny's POV)
"Why do you have bandages in your backpack?" Robin said, questioning, "..." I said nothing. I let go of Robin's hand and took off my backpack. I opened it and found some bandages, wrapping it around Robin's fists.

"Why do you have bandages?" Said Robin again but a bit more serious,"You know, just in case someone gets hurt," I said nervously, "Like right now! Your fists are hurt!" I looked over at Robin.

After I rapped his fists in bandages, i packed all the supplies away (bandages and some snacks Finny gave Robin bc he was hungry). "What do we have now?" "Free hour." Robin smiled."Okay." I looked at Robin, who was already looking at me, I blushed a bit.

(Robin's POV)
I looked at Finny thinking about him, I wanted to kiss him so badly!...(Cringe😢 like everything else in this story) But then I snapped out of it when I saw Finny looking at me blushing a bit, I smirked "What's the matter?" I said. He looked away fast but turned his head back to look at me.

"Nothing, nothing." He said with a small smile."What are you doing after school?" I looked at my phone to check what the time was. "Nothing, why?" "Well... I have some math homework but Ms. Math-lady (I can't remember her name🫢) Was talking too fast, and I couldn't understand stand her plus! You know how to explain it!" Finny looked at me "Fine" He said with a giggling and smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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