Chapter six

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"Good morning Eudora." Said Caleb, both of us walking down the long white corridors towards the 'beasts' room this early morning. I don't like calling him the 'beast', I'm going to have to come up with a name for him. 

"Morning Caleb." Smiling at him, I said, swiping my new ID card against the door's side to let myself into the dust-free, white room. This is going to get some getting used to.

As soon as the doors slowly open, we hear shouting. As scientists and security personnel begin to move towards the heavy glass doors that leads to Caleb's room, both he and I bolt into the space. What on earth is going on?

Guards surround him, brandishing long black poles with tasers attached to the ends of them, and I watch from the other side of the door as they do this. What the actual fuck?

Without paying attention to what I'm doing, I dash over to the thick glass door before it closes, standing in front of the guard with the taser. This is a really stupid idea. Why did I decide to do this? But right now, I'm too buzzed from adrenaline to even try to think clearly. Nobody deserves to be treated this way—I mean, nobody. Beast or not.

Putting myself in between the guard with the taser and him I can't help but think I've made a mistake, because as soon as I know it strong arms have come around my waist quickly carrying me away from the violent guards. My legs no longer touching the floor. 

"Ahhhh what the hell put me down!" I shout, turning my head as I realise it's not the guards that have picked me up.

"Hey! Put her down!" An older guard shouts at him. That's what I said! He moves forward aiming another taser closely at him... us? Me? What is happening?

As I struggle to free myself from the beast's grip, the sound of the taser gets closer. Oh my god, what a dumb idea this was. Im stupid.

Once more, a growl pierced the air. He certainly loves growling. His arms turn me around placing his hand on the back of my head pressing my face towards his neck. His arms encircle me tightly and firmly, not letting go. I'm guessing to try and block my view of the guards so I'm not as scared. But who am I kidding, those tasers look like the ones than can take down elephants if they wanted to. And I also happen to be in the arms of a stranger that everyone locks away and calls the beast so...

"Beast! Put the girl down now!" Doctor Michaelson said coming into the room, from the sound of his voice right now I can tell he is determined to get him to put me down. This is a great morning if you ask me. Just what I had planned. 

I feel his arms tighten around me even more, but not in a painful way, it was quite comforting actually. One hand around my waist, while the other one is buried in my hair keeping my face buried into the crook of his neck.

"I know you wouldn't like it if someone got hurt now would you?" Said Doctor Michaelson... Im sorry? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I feel his body tense at that, his hands have stopped caressing the top of my head. I look up to meet his sea blue eyes looking down at me. He keeps looking at Doctor Michaelson and then back at me.

"Everyone put your weapons down. It wont hurt her." Said Doctor Michaelson, as I finally see him relax. The guards slowly and cautiously lower their weapons, making me feel slightly better. Slightly.

"Now... Beast put her down. I promise we wont take her away". Take me away? His arms hesitantly loosen, making me slide down his body. His skin warm against mine. But as soon as he lets me go, he goes to stand in front of me making sure to block me from their view.

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