Viva La Resistance

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Prompt: Write a story using only dialogue.

"...You're here again, Donavan."

"Hello, Principal."

"This is the third time this month, child."

"I'm innocent."

"So you mean to tell me that you didn't rile up the freshmen to riot in the cafeteria over the removal of tatter tots?"


"Really? That's strange because everyone heard you give a "rallying" speech on top of the tables about "banding together to fight the oppressive system."

"You can't prove that was me."

"Someone came forward telling me that you admitted to planning to say something about this days before the incident."

"Dang it, Charlie, that snitch..."

"Yeah, you're suspended."

"Look,Principal, am I really at fault because others are easily swayed bywords I may or may not have said?"

"So many students suffered injuries from brawling with each other."

"Sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

"The cafeteria. Is in shambles."

"Sounds like a perfect time for renovating."

"Three of the cooks quit."

"Now you can hire better ones."

"Do you have any idea how much food was wasted?"

"The quality of that food wasn't good enough for consumption anyway."

"And. All. For. Tater tots."

"You knew how much everyone loved those tater tots. Only a heartless monster would take away something so precious. That's why you ended up having a riot."

"That's it. I'm calling your parents."

"No, don't!"


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