I like to
I like to think
Think think and think
It's a delicious activity
I like to
I like to dream
Day dream with eyes wide open
Travel to destination unavailable
Something exclusive
That is mine
Lives with in
And so there is nothing else
For me to desire
Today we were meant to seek
Build our entire fortune
In the passage of twenties
Seek goals
And whatnot in this passage of youth
Tomorrow as they say
Is only regret
And so i seek
The purpose
Purpose of my being
Reasons for swirling thoughts
Of feelings suffocating
Yet I seek no purpose
To breath
To think
There could not be anything
Made for me in this world
So I breath in
The fire
Coddling within cosmos
Lighten with purpose
To be free
To be
To be
Simply to be
Present in the moment
Realisation if you have made like me
If you think
Think think think
That this world is not made for you
Then let's just
And create that reality
Where we exist
And we belong
That reality is yours
Is mine
And for people who say
Don't think
Well do it anyway
Teacher is all we want to be
Teaching someone is all we want to do
But then you may meet some people
Who like to
Think think think and
Dream dream dream
Just like you and me