This life of mine

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This life of mine
Is not really mine
Never was to begin with
They gave me everything
From 5 senses
To hundreds of concepts
They gave me rage
They gave me pain
They gave me fear
They gave me anxiety
They gave me depression
And everything in between
They even gave me
A twisted sense of love
Everything I have
Everything I am
Is not mine
I was given
I am given
Where is my will in this?
It's all theirs
From clothes
To food
To education
To manners
To purpose
To thoughts
To limits
To ethics
To beliefs
To will
Everything I own
Not mine
Was given
And so I wonder
If I was even my own
If I belonged to myself
If I could just stop
And say
That is not what I want
That is not how I want
This is not the life I want
If I could just
Take that step
Do that thing
If I could just
Just be where I want to be
But no
Rather here I am
To all the government job openings
More then twice a day
Oh look there are openings in Indian Navy!
Great you have all the education qualification
Go take a run
You will definitely be selected
Oh look there are job openings in Delhi Central Jail
Oh don't worry
It does not need you to be physically fit
You should try
Yes,  of course I would love to...
Be where you want me to be
What you want me to be
And how you want me to be
After all
That is why you brought me to existence
To strip me of my will
And then Gaslight with all the favours
All the sacrifices you made for me
Sure why not go ahead and make me feel
Like an ungrateful brat
Why not rub in my face
Every single day that I own my life to you
Crazy enough
The 21st century
Even boys are not safe
You can't say
If I was a boy
I would be more free
You would rather be an idiot
Cause that's the biggest lie
As the feminism grows
So does the expectation
And soon
The generational gap
Will be all
We will have
To fight against
But what about me?
I guess untill then
All I can do
Is to accept
That this life of mine
Is not really mine
Never was to begin with....

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