The Invention

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Dr.Jhon was a genius scientist who had been working for years on creating the next break through in communication technology.
After countless experiments and late nights in the lab he finally did it, he created a pair of phones that could communicate with each other using radio frequency without need for a sim card.
As the phones held in his hands, he marveled at his creation .He knew that his invention would change the world forever ,the phones were sleek and modern, with minimalist design that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
That technology behind the phones was complex. But Dr.Jhon has simplified it as much as possible the phones used a special type of radio frequency that allowed them to communicate with each other long distance as without any interference from the other signals this was break through that had never be achieved before.
Dr Jhon invention immediately called the attention of the corporations and governments around the world. They saw the potential for this technology to revolutionize the way people communicated with each other the phones could be used in remote areas where the traditional cell towers are not available, far in situation where other forms of communication has failed.
The Media also took notice of Dr. Jhon's invention they were eager to get their hands on the phone and test them out for themselves and he was suddenly thrust into the spotlight and quickly became a celebrity in the scientific community. But Dr. John was not interested in fame or fortune.He knew that his invention had that potential. But he determined to make it available to as many people as possible,So he started working on the ways to mass produce the phone and make them affordable for everyone.
As he worked on his invention Dr. John knew that he was on the cusp of something great. He felt like he was standing at the end of the new era where communication would be faster is here and more successful than ever before and he was excited to be part of it. He also knew that it was dangerous and he was also threatened by many of the corporate companies to sell his idea and to stop this. But, he determined not to give it to the corporate people to make it costly so he refused their proposals. If the Dr. Jhon's invention came into the market, Then many of the sim companies and telecommunication companies would completely get down and have to go to the situation to close. So, they all get together to stop Dr. John's invention from coming to the real.
Dr.Jhon was in his lab making the modifications for his dream phones and heard some step sounds towards his lab from outside. He checked the CCTV monitor, he saw a group of people, he thought that they were sent by the companies, but he had nowhere to run over, so he decided to not put his phones in the hands of the corporate people, so he packed them and began to ran over,he randomly write some addresses get in his mind and posted them. Yeah,you know posting is old and traditional way, which will never get the corporate mind to think that they were posted. But who knows what destiny plans. The phones traveled a distance and finally got into the hands of Mira and Vijay. In the beginning they don't know a pair of phones will change their lives. But these are the phones which can change the life of many people and will be a crucial part of the new communication era. Unfortunately for the world, the great Dr. John died in a plane crash and the beginning of the frequency era was left as a dream. These are the headlines in every newspaper and channel.The world was shaken for once, but soon, the world forgotten about the phones and the great Dr.Jhon,  who left a page in Wikipedia. But now the real play of science begins.

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