Not Yours

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Even without eyes,she felt uneasy to his gaze.

The tentacle at her neck moved away,and another slithered around her thigh. Offender took a step towards her.

"I don't wish to hurt you,"he said,"I'm in need of an apprentice,and you seem to be the perfect one."

Her lips parted,but she didn't speak. This wasn't real. None of it was. She knew she fell asleep while reading the forums and that she was just having a nightmare.

"I can read your mind,honey. I know what you're thinking. So I would like to prove to you that you're conscious."he spoke calmly as a tentacle twisted her finger backwards.

She winced and pulled her arm back quickly. Then she knew. She wasn't dreaming.

"H-how...?"she gasped,stumbling back a little more,but backing into the wall.

"The question to ask isn't 'how?'."

Her eyes widened in shock.

"You should ask 'why?'. And I told you. I need a Proxy,so would you like to take the opening,dear?"

She thought about it. Did she really want to be controlled by this rapist for her entire life? He would train her his ways of murder. It seemed unlikely. Her definite response would be a simple no.

"No,"she said,"Of course not. I don't want to be controlled by a sadistic rapist like you!"

She maneuvered a way around him in one swift motion and darted for the door. But the second her hand grabbed the door knob,tentacles wrapped around her arms,torse,and legs.

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