chapter 2- edited

395 18 3


Welcome back to Whipster user @ Applebottomjeans

You have 6 suggestions

Suggestion 3

Lee Minho

Omg I love you already😭

Kitty whisperer
Love me enough to
marry me? ...wink

Don't "wink wink" again
I will block your fine ass😀

Kitty whisperer
Why, cause you a puss-

Applebottomjeans has blocked Kitty whisperer

20 minutes later○○○

Applebottomjeans has unblocked Kitty whisperer

Kitty whisperer
Omg I missed you

Kitty whisperer
Your dumbass single
cause I was only gonna
say a puckup line

Kitty whisperer
You're telling me you've
never been hit on
in 50 languages

Kitty whisperer're not gonna reply?

Incoming voice call from Kitty whisperer

Answer/ Decline



"Why is this app on its fucking period"


The other end made shuffling noises for a bit as if maybe they were getting comfortable wherever they were

"Hey" a toned slightly hoarse and deep voice spoke and let me tell you I almost started doing the doja cat meow shit bro fr

"H-hey"...fuck why'd I stutter

"Oh so you know how to reply, how sweet" he said sarcastically chuckling on the other end of the line "so tell me ms/mr/idk Applebottomjeans bootswiththefur ....anyway tell me why'd you reject my charming advances"

"Charming?" I asked "who lied to you.. baby gurl when I tell you I gagged when I read those texts"

"You just called me baby" he shrieked making me laugh slightly to myself rolling my eyes "I have another way to make you gag-" then the line went dead


"Too much?" He asked after like 2 minutes of complete second and first hand embarrassment


"Alright, sorry sorry love, just don't think I can hold my flirting skills back..they've become a habit on this app" he said

"Is that what this app is for" I asked cause I just got bored and randomly installed an online app

"Let's just say it's tinder with better people" he chuckled and I just paused dumbfounded , I just installed a fucking dating app people use to get hookups like

"Don't worry about it love I won't invite you into my bed" he giggled slightly as if he knew my exact reaction "at least not yet"

"I....I wouldn't wanna be invited either way...the only things I sleep with are my cats in my bed...actually it's their bed now and I sleep on the couch anyway you get the point" I sigh face-palming myself halfway in saying the setentence

"I mean my bed does have know what we should totally make our cats have a playdate!"He said excitedly dropping the flirty tone completely

"Omg yesss"i squaled

He chuckled and I joined in at our obsession and love for cats
We kept talking about cats , hobbies and other random shit for about 2 hours

"Hmmm yeah" he mumbled tiredly , we've been talking all midnight so he must've been tired

"Hey...Kitty whisperer, you should go to sleep" I said softly on my end

"Minho" he said


"My name....minho" he said again his voice drooped with sleepiness I'd lie if I say it wasnt hot af

"Well then Minho...go to sleep"

"But I wanna keep talking to you " he whined causing me to giggle

"I'll text you later on...go to sleep"i said softly and he hummed and 2 minutes later soft snores could be heard from his end I smiled to myself as I hung up

I sighed as I put my phone next to me ready to fall asleep when a notification pinged on my phone I groaned as I opened the app

You have a new notification from Vegimite Aussie

Vegimite Aussie
-Bang Chan

Vegimite Aussie
You awake

Say daddy's home-!

Vegimite Aussie

Chill bro

Vegimite Aussie

Vegimite Aussie
Before I was verbally
assaulted by you

It's called flirting

Vegimite Aussie
I know what flirting is
And that...that was NOT've got some
issues baby girl

Aww you called me baby

Vegimite Aussie
I can call you other
things when we meet
in my room


What's wrong with you

Vegimite Aussie
All you have to do
Is to just say please

Applebottomjeans has disconnected

Vegimite Aussie
I was joking please
come back

Vegimite Aussie
Baby girl

Applebottomjeans has connected

....that's my name 😩

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