chapter 20 - edited

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"I shouldn't even be allowing you next to her but your lucky I still love your stupid ass" mumbled changbin "knock yourself out" he sighed ruffling the youngers hair as he left the room to give him and the unconscious somewhat privacy

"Hi y/n" Jeongin said softly almost laughing at the heartbreaking scene , he didn't know how to feel , the feelings were too much it almost made him want to puke, he felt extremely guilty for being one of the reasons she laid on the hospital bed pale looking and with zero will to live, he felt happy she was alive, pitiful that her fears kept coming to life and repeating over and over

He felt sad,he pushed away and blamed someone who was mildly at fault and overall he felt really shitty for calling her names and saying he hated her and saying he regretted loving her....he'd break if anyone ever did that

"I'm sorry.." he said with a small sigh "so so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I should've been atleast somewhat reasonable and not so stupid , I didn't mean whatever I said that day, I was just so sad, angry and just overall pissed at the fact that 3 of us  wanted one person and I know that doesn't justify what I did and I'm really sorry " he said tears already running down his cheeks as he held one of her slightly less softer than being and cold-ish hands in his her condition broke him even more

"I'm so sorry, please wake up, I can't see you like this, I'm so fucking sorry" he broke down completely as he placed his head down on an empty space on the bed on his arm and cried squeezing her hand but careful not to injure her anymore that she had already been

After like an hour or so Jeongin got up kissed her forehead as he stared down at her face with a sad expression his puffy eyes and slightly tinted cheeks adding to him "I'll try my best to visit you here whenever Changbin hyung allows me to....I know when you wake up you might hate my guts...I can't blame deserved so much better're strong I know you'll get better you" with a final squeeze of her hand he left quietly notifying Changbin that he'd be heading back home


"Let me guess, you played the 'don't mind me I'm still half dead' card?" Changbin said as he placed down the basket of food he had brought along  with him

"I wanted to open my eyes when he was crying...couldn't bring myself to" the brunette sighed and Changbin tsked "don't worry baby, you aren't forced to face any of them, telling me to let him visit was already a big step...I'm proud of you for that " Changbin said as he smiled giving her her big mac "snuck this in for you since yk...we're unable to go on our annual Friday 1am midnight snack drive for obvious reasons"

"You're the best Binnie, you know that?" Y/n smiled as she took her food "the food here is healthy as fuck, I was convinced some Karen convinced them to care about the world's cows" she said causing Changbin to laugh as they ate their McDonald's food in comfort keeping convo whenever something dumb came into their mind

"Ready to be discharged?" Changbin asked as he came back from throwing away the packets "You're saying that as if I don't have another week here" the female rolled her eyes at him "Jeez I'm just reminding you ...gotta make you learn to enjoy the overly healthy meals"

"You're the worst"

"I'm pretty sure you were adoring me an hour ago"

"Fuck you"

"You're not in the condition to take me "

"Ya Seo Changbin!"


Mental stray kid asylum
●7 active

Who took my
limited addition
Squirrel man
action figure???

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