chapter 23-edited

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[Inspired by starry night-jordan critz]

"So I'm never gonna see you again?" He asked as we sat watching the sun set slowly behind the park trees, the orange hue reflected on the small pond, we sat on the exact spots we sat at the last time we were here, funny how that was just a year ago

"Yeah" I replied simply

"I'll lose you all over again"

"You managed to live 5 months without me, I'm sure you'll do well"

"Y/n" he called his voice hopeless as if it were a silent plea for me to not push him away, not push this away , I'd be stupid it I stayed

"I know I can't keep running away from my problems...they'll find me no matter where I go but this time, I'm not going to be alone,and I won't be running just simply strolling and I won't have to worry about the same things happening to me again...cause now, I'll have someone who believes me" the sun had now fully set the sky reflected what we both felt,empty but the slowly appearing stars showed that no matter how plain and dark we are there'll always be light

"I'm sorry I broke our promise"

"It's okay Yang Jeongin, I broke mine too" he had tears in his eyes as he stared up at the blue sky his eyes screaming for all of this go be a lie but it wouldn't be even if I try , love was always the death of us

"You're being formal" he said his voice braking ever so slightly as he spoke his tears slow streams down the sides of his face

"It'd be rude not to be" I said wanting to add more but bit my tongue, what's the point of cutting ties if I'm going to stay friendly

"I hate hurts"

"I know"

"They why are you doing this to me"

"It's the nicest thing out of my list"

"You hate me don't you"

"Not necessarily but somewhat on that note"

"I fucked up"


"Funny how this use to be the spot we made so many happy memories...I don't think those are going to the ones on my mind whenever I come here any longer" he said with a sigh running his hand through his hair


"The place I fell in love with you"


"Being the place you fell out of love with me"


"How can I live with that?"

"You'll survive"


"Yeah?" I let out a soft gasp when I found myself in his embrace he quietly wrapped hid arms around my waist in a sentimental hug and I let him....I'm helping him let go

I felt his tears on the crook of my neck where he out his face and heared the quiet sobs... I remember realising I loved this man, and now I know that you sometimes have to lose the things you love

I loved Jeongin, he was nice,my age,funny,kind, loving , loud, childish , caring and exactly like me , I loved Jeongin cause he cared more about how I made him feel than my body

Jeongin and I never got to that level of intimacy only stopping at cuddling and i respected that , still do

His partner will be lucky to have him

"I love you" he whispered and I knew, he wasn't ready to let go

But he had to , cause holding on would only hurt him more

"When are you leaving"

"Don't worry about it "

"When are you leaving"

"Tomorrow" his expression said it all, shock and hurt, I'm guessing he didn't want me leaving so soon, I don't want to see how he'll look when he figures out Who I'm leaving with


"Promise me one thing yang jeongin "


"Don't blame yourself " I said over my shoulder as I walked on

This time I was the one walking away

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