chapter 15

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Seo Changbins pov


When the others were not just using y/n as a scapegoat I decided to do my own background check and honestly the things I found about her were just...sad

She was cut off by her family at 16, got severely depressed because of a bullying scandal at 17 that made her move from busan to Seoul

She had attended SH talks for several suicide attempts between the ages of 16 to 21 ...we met her when she was 21 and honestly...I could've sworn she looked pretty fine

But then again , we all know how to act..

She was pretty much of a Loner and seems like her friends cut her off as well after her episodes as the scandals continued,  articles and articles piling up on her attempts and how she was claimed to be a 'whore,slut and other thibgs' when some articles show that she was actually used by the principals son , Jackson

It was actually sad reading all about it, was this why she was so bubbly and jokey , childish even...she was forced to grow up too early ...she didn't enjoy her life...she's been trying to end her life...this is all just adding to it...fvck

-Lee Felix

I'm going out

This late?

Changbin it's 3am

I know, I just
Have something I
Need to do

You're going to
Y/n aren't you?

I don't understand
How yall are being
Like this to her
So yeah,I am

Yeah I actually don't
Understand this
Shit as well

Chan and Minho
Are the ones thar made her
A fling
And are the ones that made
This all a competition

See you get it

I wish I had more time
To talk but I'm really worried
About her felix

You like her don't you?
You never worry about anyone

If you knew what I know
You'd be worried too

Well I'm coming with you

Better hurry, I'm bout to leave


The drive to y/ns was quiet and actually really stressful for me because I was actually really worried, the way she texted back to me earlier was off

And I knew was going to try and end her life once again, and I can't let that happen

Felix sat in the passenger seat reading up on the things I've read to understand why I was so worried about someone I've only known for a year and barely spoke to

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