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Chapter2- Awakening and the Imp

The first thing Izuku Midoriya felt when he woke up was…nothing, he felt absolutely fine.

Which is odd because he remembers everything, his bullies, the fall, the pain…and then…something worse.

The memories flood in, his limbs and organs being pulled out of him, he passed out when his heart was ripped out.

Shaking, the young man holds his stomach, finally noticing his new arms. He breathes heavy, holding the new appendages out, he slowly moves his fingers one by one. They move when they tell him to, but he can't feel them, and something looks off with how they move,  he can't explain it.

When he finally calms down, he tries to gather his surroundings. He's on an examination table in a well lit room, with various metal appendages and machinery (that Izuku did not understand the nature of) layed sloppily on tables around him. There's a staircase with a door at the top, “am I in a basement?”

Izuku grips on the side of the table, unknowingly leaving indents on the side. He moves to where his legs dangle off the table, and tries to push himself off, but he ends up propelling him forward and hitting the wall hard enough to leave a dent.

Midoriya grips his face instinctively, but soon realizes he feels no pain. He tries to get up, but when he puts his hand down on the floor, it completely buries itself in the concrete.

“You should really be careful”

Izuku jumps up with enough force to hit the ceiling, crashing back down and reaching up to grab his head on instinct, but again he feels no pain.

“Ha, nice”

Looking to where the voice is coming from, Izuku sees a small boy with purple balls on his head, his eyes are the same as Izuku's, except a dark blue. The boy has a massive scar on his head, and on his back is a dark blue contraption that's connected to his spine. Dark blue scales travel up his spine and split in two, connecting them to a mechanical support on his lower jaw.

But the oddest thing about the boy that Midoriya Izuku at this moment was…

That he was reading a porn magazine.

“Your new limbs haven't been restricted yet, you'll break everything if you keep going”

The short boy doesn't even look at Izuku, far more interested in the magazine he was reading, “how the hell have I not heard of this woman?” He says while looking at a double page spread.

“Who are you?” Izuku finally asks, deciding to listen and not move an inch.

“Names Mineta Minoru, from what the doc told me, you and me are in the same boat..” he says while turning the page “holy hell, that ass”

“What happened to me?” Izuku asks while slowly pulling his hand out of the concrete.

“Same thing that happened to me, you were dying, and the doc gave you some experimental tech in order to fix you up.” Mineta turns the page again, “that's not anatomically possible, what's her quirk anyway? I should probably actually read the words…naw”.

“I'm sorry, I know your reading but. Could you maybe…stop and explain what's going on…please?” His voice is timid and polite, even in this strange situation, he doesn't want to be rude.

The mini man finally looks up at confused Izuku, “do you remember getting into an accident?”

“Yeah, I fell of a roof”

“Well somehow, the doc found you, and hooked you up some nifty tech that works in tandem with your quirk.”

A million questions and statements fill Izuku's mind at once, “but I'm quirkless, how did he find me, was he at the school, why was someone who could do this to me at my school?”

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