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Chapter13- Deconstruction

“LAYLA! SHIRT! NOW!” Argolid screams at the top of her lungs.

“MINORU! PANTS! NOW!” Lerna mimics her twin, grabbing both half naked cyborgs with green energy claws and pushing them into the nearest door.

Said door was Logan's room.

“Why is this the first thing I see when I wake up!”  Logan can be heard groaning behind the closed door, just as he's about to throw the two out,the twins shout out.

“We got a visitor, give the idiots clothes!” Argolid demands.

The skinny blonde man is red raced and panting, completely flustered by what he just saw.

Midoriya is still on his knees, dead eyed and defeated. His hopes of getting into the hero course dashed right in front of him.

Or so he thinks.

“Yaigi, meet my family” Topologina says with a hint of glee.

“We're not a family” both of the twins denie at once, just as Layla comes out of Logan's room in one of his shirts.

“Aw, but I view us as a family” she pouts, patting Midoriya on the head and walking up the stairs to get Mineta some pants.

The doctor remains in the same posture the whole time, “quite the characters, aren't they?”

It took about ten minutes for Yaigi to calm down, and an additional ten minutes for Midoriya to come out of his dread induced shock.

“Mineta Minoru, and Midoriya Izuku, you can simply call me Yaigi. I hold… a position of power at U.A, so if this goes well, worst case scenario I can get you into the hero course much easier when the second semester starts. over the next hour I will be giving each of you a 30 minute interview.”

The thoughts that enter the two cyborgs' minds are fairly similar. A list of generic questions they think would be asked in an interview, and the best answers to give flood their minds in the stands in the span of 5 seconds.

Yaigi points at Mineta, “The small one who left quite the impression will be first”.

The tired man picks up a briefcase at his side and walks with the doctor into the basement.

The purple imp gets a thumbs up from Layla, a dismissive look from the twins, and a supportive nod from Midoriya.

All the short boy can do is gulp and follow.

With Mineta

The imp was at a loss, when he sat down across from the blond mystery man, prepared himself for any and all questions. Where do you see yourself in 5 years, what do you hope to learn from our school, ECT ECT.

What he didn't expect was for his interviewer to pull a comic and a phone out of his bag and slap them on the table.

“Read this”

“I'm sorry?...What?”

“Read that comic, you'll have 20 minutes” Yaigi explains while using his phone to time the boy.

The purple cyborg wastes a precious minute examining the book's contents. It was roughly 40 pages, and when he sees the cover, he remembers this comic.

It was a retelling of real events from the first days of heros, when there weren't any official laws about them. the story of a man who single handedly set the standard for what a hero should be by battling against 4 individuals in the U.S.

These 4 were the Apex, a group of heroes who gained a lot of popularity for bringing a new and more efficient way of heroism.

That way of heroism being killing every single criminal they came across, advocating for the drugging and imprisonment of all those who’s quirks would affect their mental state, and the usage of hostages and torture in order to get information out of criminals.

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