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Chapter3- The Imp: Origins

One month before Izuku's accident

Mineta Minoru made a terrible mistake.

Now please don't misunderstand, he made plenty before, and he continue to make plenty afterwards, but this was a major fuck up.

Because this mistake led him here, dying in an alleyway, with a knife in his head.

The purple pervert ponders how he was put in this predicament, but his memories are all scattered, mostly because of the dagger penetrating his skull.

An orphanage, not getting adopted, disgusting from those around him…butts…oh right…

He was looking up some girl’s skirt.

He was going through his normal route to the orphanage when he saw her. Blond hair, red eyes, she was a student from the looks of it, but he couldn't tell from where.

With his 3ft statuer, he had a great view under the girls skirt. He saw Nirvana for 3 seconds, then something felt off.

A sharp pain In his head, his nose started bleeding, and then he fell. The pain only lasted for a short moment oddly enough, it was like all the feeling left his body.

“Disgusting perv” the girl sneers before pressing her foot on the end of the knife’s handle, pushing it further into the boy's skull. “I don't even want my knife back”

She left Minoru there, laying still, except for the occasional twitch.

He laid there for 3 hours, he should have died long before then, but he was still alive. For reasons the boy was unaware of, he was still alive after a stab to the head. He was unable to move, and his thoughts were a mess, but he was alive.

“Well now, what is this”

Man? Woman? Minoru could not tell, for it sounded like both speaking at the same time. The dying boy can't move his eyes, all he can see is the boots of the person in front of him, and then he hears the buzzing of bees.

“What an odd brain composition” the voice says while something Minoru can't see picks him up. “I need to examine this further” is all Minoru hears before his consciousness blurs out.

When Minoru wakes up again, he still can't move, and now he can't see. There's a loud thumping sound, and being drowned out by that thumping is talking.

“You brought another kid in?” He can hear the voice of a woman.

“There are too many of usss here as isss” he can another woman hiss out.

“And were not sssharing a room” another woman, a different voice, but same hissing inflection.


That voice was a man's, loud and highly concerned. The bickering goes on for a bit until the voice he heard first speaks up

“Remarkable! The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are highly functional. And his brain seems to be completely encased in a purple glaze.”

The thumping stops, and Minoru is blinded by a bright light. His eyes take a moment to adjust, and when they do, he finally sees his savior.

“Rejoice child, I will be saving you”

“Boss, just take him to a hospital” Minoru sees an obvious foreigner say, the hunchback just waves him off.

“Those hacks couldn't handle this. Maybee, get the gumblar system”

“And a month later here we are” Mineta says, he just finished explaining his situation like it was the most common thing in the world.

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