Chapter 17: Setting back and Ideas

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I wake up to see that Peter is already awake, I smile up at him. He smiles back. 

"Good morning.'' He say in his sexy sleepy voice that he always gets when he wakes up. 

"Good morning.'' I respond 

He leans in for a kiss. We kiss for a while then his dad walks in. 

''Good morning kids'' he says 

My face turns red. "Um... morning sir.'' 

He laughs ''Come on we have to get the stuff for your house then I need to have a serious talk with you too.'' 

This doesn't sound good. We eat then pack our things at our little house. My mom leaves to go see her grandson. I will go see Hector after the talk. Peter, his dad and mom, plus his little brother and I sit down at the table we have. 

"First let me tell you why I wanted to talk to you guys.'' His dad begins. 

Me and Peter only nod.

"As you know there is a fight coming as we expected. The other pack is going to surprise attack us, we found out they are planning to attack the day of your wedding. '' 

I don't know what to think and I can't speak. Peter grabs my hand.

Peter then speaks of a moment of silence. "I have and idea. They plan to attack us as the wedding is going on so we set up and army to fight and surprise them and move the wedding after.''

the all turn to me to see what i think

"I like that idea they won't know what hit them.'' Carrot tops says. 

They leave. So it's just me and Peter. I decide I'd cook us dinner for the first time in our house.When I'm cutting some vegetables and Peter comes up behind me. He hugs my waist and start to kiss my neck. 

I laugh then say "Peter what are you doing?'' 

Through kisses he says "Just loving my soon to be wife.'' 

I laugh knowing what he wants. ''You know we can't because of you injuries you'll have to wait to the heal just a little bit more.'' 

He pouts then whines ''But there better.'' 

I going to prove him that he will get hurt. "Fine lets change the bandages.'' 

I put down the knife then go to get the remedy kit. Sit him down then I  remove his bandages.

''The cuts are healing nicely.'' I say

He perks up a little. 

"But you can't do any of that til probably 4 days.'' I tell him. 

"Eh fine.'' He says "Just trying to distract myself you know I'm worried about the fight.'' 

Well he has  right to be "I know. Now come help me cook.'' I say wow I sound like such a wife. 

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