chapter 1: 5 years later

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ivy wa walking home after her mornig hunt. Her light brown hair and red cape swaying in the wind. She walked through the door of her little house in the village and was greeted my her mothers sweet voice "Hello honey. How was the wood today?" her mother didn't like her being in the woods since she had run into the wolf when she was 11. "Good a little windy but nice and sunny. I got 3 rabbits and 1 bird but traded the bird for a loaf of bread and some spices." she replied. Ivy put the dead animals on the table and went to go washup. She put the water on the fire and undressed, she looked at the horrblie, pink, ugly scar on her arm but they wern't as bad as the ones on her back. They still hurt just thinking about it. she poured the water in the tub the went in the warm water felt good. She washed up then put on her red drees with white sleeves she hated short sleeves cause they showed her scars. She hated her scars but her best friend Peter said they arent that bad. She alwasys thought no one culd love someone with the uglieness of her but Peter always said love is blind. She promised herself one day she get the wolf back, one day that wolf will get his revenge. then she walked down stairs kissed her sleepign father on his forhead then her mother on the cheek and grapped her red cape but the hood up and ran to the river. At the river was Peter swimming so Ivy called out " I knew i would find you here Peter turn his head and smiled " Why hello Ivy car to join" he said with a wink " Not in this weather it winter and even though it's sunny youll freeze." she called bavk " I think it just fine." he said getting out. After he put his cloths back on the sat down by the river and split a piece of bread with cheese but Peter always put a piece of meat on his. As they ate Ivy said " You know what tonight is, don't you?" his face dropped he always look so sad when she brought up the full moon " Yeah I do and i still don't like the idea of you out chasing that thing." he said looking a little mad. Ivy got wanted him to come she never asked but figurd why not now " So come with me then" she said, he looked mad " You don't get it Ivy! You can die your family doesn't like i don't like it no ones does! so just stop!" he yelled " No you don't get it! the wolf need to die! It hurt me I won't ever have peace til it's dead!" she yelled back he always got so mad at the topic of the wolf " You can  die!!" he yelled " It hurt me! it left this uglly scar!" his face got sad ever time the scar were brought up he looked so sad. " i know." he said then ran off into the woods.

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