Chapter 8: I thought I knew you

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 I knew I was  going to die. Or I thought I was then another wolf came and jumped on the other one and they started fighting. Clawing, biting teeth show then the both look at each other and one  spoke the look almost alike but the eyes both big and brown one had eyes like a killer the other like it was ready to fight til it looked and me then it eyes had love the other looked at me and its eye were like the killer, a cold hearted born killer. Then one spoke it had Peter voice "Leave her alone and tell your pack to get out of my town." then the other spoke and said "We're not leaving til I get what we came here for." then Peter growled the other wolf spoke again "And that little bride of yours well I could just eat her up.' then peter flung forward and pinned him down growling with anger "Get out and don't come back" he gets of of the other wolf and runs away then Peter turns back into a human. I'm frozen with fear "Ivy" he says "Look I'm sorry I love you but let me explain and if you still don't want to be with me then fine I'll leave you alone even if it kills me." I can't speak much less think he gets close and touches my face so gently then kisses very passionately like he could die without me. When he pulled away I said " I need to think." then i ran as fast as i could all the way home. I eat lunch and thought and cried and thought and cried some more. Then i went to my brother house I knew mom was there helping set up the nurser for the baby. On the way there I saw family with 3 kids a mother and father they looked so in love and when the father looked at his wife there was so much love i never seen it before except when Peter looks at me. i felt like crying so I ran to the river when i got there I saw Peter in there swimming naked. I took off my clothes lucky his back was turn then I jumped in when my head broke the surface I kissed him when he broke apart I said "Hi" then he said "Your naked." '"Well if I'm going to be your wife you'll have to get used to it." he looks at me then says "So you still want to be with me." "Of coarse I love you and I want spend my life with you just.... just you have some explaining to do." "Yeah I will." then we kissed. Lets just say we were in the water for a while.

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