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the end of october came with the overloading amount of stress for jamie that came with throwing the annual somerville high school halloween party. a little backstory: sophomore year, paris had panicked and accidentally told the guy that she liked that she couldn't hang out with him because she was going to a party. long story short, paris came running to jamie begging her to actually throw the party because now the guy was telling everyone about it. 

since then, jamie had been the one throwing it every year. her parents would hide all the valuables and spend the night at a hotel with maya so that jamie could have her fun, while being responsible, of course. 

the day of the party, the triplets and caroline showed up a couple hours early to help set up. isaiah also came with them, filling in paris' very noticeable absense.

"paris didn't come with you?" jamie asked as the triplets entered her house. nick shook his head. 

"no, she said she had to babysit or something. but she'll be here tonight. we brought isaiah instead, though." 

"okay," jamie started when everyone arrived. "matt and nick, you guys know what to do, so get on that. make sure you buy enough this time. we can't run out of sprite like last year." she handed them her mom's card. "mom said don't exceed two hundred dollars." 

"got it." nick nodded, taking the card. "your parents are so cool for letting us do this again."

"yeah, well, they were both the party types in high school so they get it." jamie shrugged. "as long as i'm responsible and don't get too drunk, i can host parties as long as i ask."

"isaiah has a fake." caroline spoke up. "i can go with him to get drinks." 

"oh..." jamie thought for a moment. she really didn't want to be alone with chris, but she could get through it just this once. "that's fine. just make sure not to get the gross cheap beer like last year. we had so much leftover last year and my dad hates that shit."

"got it." caroline gave a thumbs up. "so that leaves..." she suddenly trailed off, realizing who was left. "chris, you think you can stay and help jamie set up?"

"yeah, that's fine." chris shrugged nonchalantly. "i'm the only one who knows what goes where, anyway." he said. he and jamie have been doing decoration duty together for the last few years. 

"alright." caroline hesitated. "you'll be okay, jamie? i can stay with you if you want." jamie shakes her head. 

"no, you go." jamie replied. "chris is right, anyway. he's the only one who knows where specific things go." 

"perfect!" nick exclaimed, oblivious to the awkardness. "ready?" he puts his hand in. the group followed. "three, two, one, BREAK!" everyone matched his energy and raised their hands up before splitting to their various places. once everyone else had left, chris and jamie head toward the basement. 

"is it in the same box?" chris asked her. jamie nodded.

"yeah, everything's in the basement." she replied, shutting her eyes for a moment and taking a breath. "so, what are you planning to be tonight?" she asked when the silence got unbearably awkward. 

"oh, um, i haven't figure it out yet. paris wants to do some couples thing, but..."

"you're not really into that." jamie finished for him, remembering his distaste for couple's costumes. jamie had made him do one with her freshman year and he was not the biggest fan. 

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