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it was now march. a little more than a year since jamie and chris broke up that first time. however, this time, they were back and better than ever. the week after spring break brought chaos to the high school. prom was coming up in two months, exams were right around the corner, and, of course, graduation. over the break, jamie had officially committed to the university of massachussetts at amherst and she was more than excited to continue studying art. she was still waiting on something, though.

chris had yet to ask her to prom. jamie knew they would probably go together anyway, since they were back together and all, but she still hoped he's do something. just for the gesture, you know? and it didn't make her feel any better when matt had almost stopped talking to her completely. she couldn't complain too much about it, though. 

while she and chris were dating, she rarely talked to matt. they would talk when hanging out with the friend group or once or twice at lunch, but other than that, they didn't interact as much. jamie assumed that since she had officially gotten back with chris, matt wanted to go back to how they used to be. that didn't stop her from missing him, though.

"hey." jamie was startled out of her thoughts by caroline. the two were currently sitting in jamie's bedroom. jamie was clutching the bat squishmallow that chris had given her. 

"hmm?" jamie looked up at her. 

"you still look sad. i thought that once you got back with chris, you'd be up again."

"i am up!" jamie defended. "i guess i just didn't realize that my friendship with matt was temporary. i really enjoyed hanging out with him."

"have you tried talking to him?" caroline asked. jamie nodded glumly. 

"yeah. his text responses are dry and then he barely even looks at me when we're in gov. and we're literally partners in that class."

"does he do any work?"

"yeah, but other than anything school related, he won't even look in my direction. i'm sure ms. rome's noticed, too."

"maybe he's just giving you space now that you and chris are back together. he probably thinks that you don't want to talk to him anymore."

"caroline." jamie gave her best friend a look. "i have been talking to him. he ignores me or gives me dry responses."

"maybe he's just in a mood?" caroline asked. "i can try to call him to see if he talks to me like he usually does or if he's being dry with me, too."

"okay." jamie passed caroline her phone from where she was sitting on the bed. she searched for matt's contact before pressing the 'call' icon and putting the phone on speaker. the two waited patiently as the phone rang. a couple moments later, matt picked up. 

"hey, carol!" matt's voice echoed through the room. he sounded almost cheerful.

"hi, matt! are you busy right now?" caroline asked. she heard some shuffling on the other end. 

"sorry, i was just going upstairs. no, i'm not busy. what's up?" he asked her. jamie's jaw dropped in shock. she could not believe that matt was making conversation with caroline. this just confirmed that he is definitely upset with her. 

"i was just wondering. you're not taking anyone to prom, are you?" caroline asked. "because i was gonna go with jamie but since she's probably going with chris, then..."

GET HIM BACK! , c. sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now