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flashback - the day of the break up (chris' pov)

chris was currently sitting at the kitchen island, waiting for jamie to arrive. they were planning to have a movie night tonight, but chris was struggling on picking a movie. his initial plan was to watch 'tangled', as that was jamie's favorite movie, but he felt like that wasn't good enough. in his eyes, the perfect girl deserved the perfect movie date with the perfect movie.


chris owen
hi james
when will u be here

j belle
im ab to leave in like 20

chris owen
okay perfect
what do you want to watch?

j belle
u can choose :)

chris owen
jamie stop you know im indecisive

j belle
have fun! see u soon!

chris owen
see you soon
i love you

j belle
love you more!

"you okay?" matt asked, walking into the kitchen. "you look a little stressed."

"just texting jamie." chris told him. "do you think 'tangled' is a good movie for tonight?"

"that's her favorite movie, is it not?" matt frowned. "when's she gonna be here, anyway?"

"like, twenty minutes." chris replied. he noticed matt's face flicker between his current expression and one that chris had never noticed before. "are you okay, matt?" he asked his brother. matt cleared his throat. 

"i'm fine. just some...girl stuff."

"girl stuff?" chris furrowed his eyebrows. matt always came to him when he had girl trouble. and he rarely ever had girl trouble.

"she's dating someone else. don't worry about it." matt shrugged it off. "just...have fun with james tonight." he said. chris noticed his somber expression and squinted at his brother. there was no possible way that matt's girl trouble had to do with jamie...right? 

"um..." chris didn't know how to respond. just then, his life360 notification went off, signaling that jamie had just left her house. "i'm gonna go meet her."

"right. you should go." matt motioned chris to leave. chris sighed and left the kitchen. he didn't like how it suddenly became so awkward with matt. it was never awkward with matt. chris sat down on the porch, thinking about his earlier interaction with jamie as he heard her car pull into the driveway. he stood up and his eyes instantly lit up when he saw her get out of the car.

"jamie!" he walked over to his girlfriend, planting a kiss onto her lips. "i missed you."

"you saw me yesterday." jamie smiled at him. 

GET HIM BACK! , c. sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now