01. Clash

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"Good morning, Ohara-chan!" Meguru Bachira ran up to Ego Ohara at the school gate in the morning, grabbing her shoulders from behind. She simply nodded in response, her words as inaudible as usual. He knew all too well that the once cheerful and talkative Ego Ohara had become very quiet after last year's incident.

She used to date Sae Itoshi, a senior on the school's soccer team who now manages them along with the soccer coach, Ego Jinpachi. However, last year, Itoshi had to abruptly end their relationship, though the reasons remained a mystery. Her uncle, Ego Jinpachi, was aware of the entire situation but paid little attention, considering it as typical high-school romance.

Bachira walked alongside Ohara, attempting to cheer her up with jokes, but her face remained devoid of a smile. He sighed, unsure of how to encourage her to open up. Upon entering their classroom, they noticed that the once solitary desk had been combined into a pair. Ohara sighed, realizing she'd have a seatmate, something she never favored, as she cherished her solitude while gazing out the window.

Her passion for soccer had been nurtured since childhood, particularly with her foster family's involvement, given that Ego Jinpachi was a soccer coach. However, following Sae Itoshi's breakup, she had abruptly halted her enjoyment of the sport. Once a spectator during her friends' soccer matches, she now found solace in solitary lunches atop the rooftop, unbeknownst to anyone. She couldn't even bear to watch a single soccer match on TV, as thoughts of Sae Itoshi flooded her mind like an unexpected storm.

"Ohara-chan, can we be seatmates?" Bachira grinned, slinging his arm around her shoulder. She nodded, taking her usual spot and giving a small nod.

"Good morning, Ohara-chan," Reo greeted cheerfully as he took the seat in front of them, while Nagi remained engrossed in his phone.

"Good morning, Reo," she replied with a faint smile.

"She talked!" Bachira teased. "I thought you can't speak since you didn't response mine."

"Good morning, Meguru." She turned to him with a thin lipped smile. "Happy now, Meguru?"

"Absolutely!" Bachira cheered before engaging Reo in conversation. His persistent cheerfulness always impressed Ohara.

Retrieving her textbooks from her bag, she prepared for their first period, Japanese class, taught by their homeroom teacher. Gradually, the classroom filled with students, the noise level rising, prompting Ohara to once again gaze out of the window.

A few minutes later, Isagi Yoichi, the class president, joined Reo and Bachira's conversation. Meanwhile, Nagi had dozed off on his desk. Bachira glanced at Ohara, confirming she was lost in her thoughts, staring at the school grounds.

"She still doesn't speak much, does she?" Reo asked quietly, to which Bachira nodded. "I don't know what we can do; she doesn't even come to support us at matches. Sometimes, she acts like we're invisible."

"I've heard moving on from first love can be tough," Isagi remarked. "But isolating herself from everyone makes it harder. Should we ask Ego for advice again?"

"Getting an answer from that four-eyes will be a hassle, Isagi," Nagi grumbled, stretching his arms.

"Well, we should plan another hangout soon," Bachira suggested. "We'll have to drag her along..."

As he scanned the room to check for the presence of their other friends, his eyes caught Rin Itoshi entering the class. "Hey, Rin-kun!"

Bachira waved him over, but Rin, annoyed as ever, rolled his eyes. He was someone who seemed perpetually irritated with everyone, particularly due to his strained relationship with Sae Itoshi. However, that didn't stop their group from including him, and Rin knew protesting wasn't a viable solution against this lively bunch.

The first bell rang, signaling the class teacher's entrance, prompting everyone to take their seats. Greetings were exchanged, and the teacher proceeded to mark the attendance due to some new faces in the class.

"Alright, students," the teacher announced, rising from her seat and positioning herself opposite her desk, facing the class. "I've rearranged seating to pair you up with some new classmates, so you can engage with them."

"What a hassle," remarked Nagi, yawning as he sat upright. "Reo, are you getting replaced?"

"Beats me," Reo sighed heavily, not keen on leaving Nagi's side.

"Bachira Meguru!" the teacher called out, pairing him with Isagi Yoichi, which made him rather delighted. "Rensuke Kunigami, sit next to Rin Itoshi."

"Jingo Raichi," the teacher called one of the new students, seating him in front of Ohara, and then directed another new student, Gin Gagamaru, to sit alongside Raichi.

"Chigiri Hyoma... next to Ego Ohara," Chigiri was seated next to Ohara, a placement that somewhat relieved her as he wasn't much of a talker. The teacher continued swapping seats, fortunately not affecting Reo and Nagi, but Rin and Kunigami were now seated behind Ohara.

'Finally, some peace,' Ohara thought to herself, glancing at Chigiri Hyoma, who was engrossed in his book. Although she hadn't spoken much with Chigiri, she knew him as a friend of a friend who had shied away from playing soccer for a while due to a past injury.

Once the first period concluded, the most tedious lesson for Ohara, the class returned to its noisy state. Her tranquility was disrupted as Jingo Raichi began speaking.

"Oi, are you Sae Itoshi's brother?" Raichi yelled, directing his attention towards Ohara but with his eyes fixed on Rin Itoshi, who remained indifferent. His tone pierced Ohara's ears, and she felt the irritation brewing within her.

"Hey, do we need this noise, Raichi?" Kunigami interjected.

"I wasn't talking to you—"

"Hey, shark teeth, can you quiet down and face forward? You're too loud!" The class fell silent not because of the statement, but because of the unexpected speaker, Ego Ohara. Bachira, Isagi, and Reo were surprised; it had been a while since they heard her speak so assertively, realizing her patience had worn thin lately as she preferred quieter surroundings.

"What? Who do you think you are to speak to me like that?" Raichi stood up, his voice escalating.

"Hey!" Gagamaru attempted to calm him. "She's right, don't be so loud."

"Someone prefers a peaceful atmosphere, you idiot," Ohara snapped, surprising everyone. "Itoshi isn't deaf; he's deliberately ignoring. Can't you see that?"

"Whoa, whoa," Isagi intervened, taking charge to prevent any conflict in the class. He didn't want to see either Ohara or Rin angry as it wouldn't end well. "Raichi-kun, you're correct, Rin is Sae Itoshi's brother. You don't need to create a scene about—"

"I wasn't talking to you, was I?" Raichi's voice escalated, intensifying the atmosphere.

"What an idiot!" Ohara muttered, shaking her head. She plugged in her earbuds and buried her head in her arms on the desk. She understood it was better to do so, given her thin line between patience and a volatile temperament.

"What did you say?" Raichi turned toward Ohara, about to grab her earbuds, but Chigiri swiftly intervened, restraining Raichi's hand.

"Enough, you're too noisy," Chigiri asserted.

Before Raichi could retort, the next teacher entered, instructing everyone to settle and take out their textbooks. Chigiri tapped Ohara's arm, and as she half-raised her head, loosening the earbud, she realized what he meant. She mouthed a 'thank you' before preparing for the next class.

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