The Vines

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Crazy week go brrrrrrrrrr
I'm sore as shit, my week is all over the place, and yeah I'm just stressed out asf so pls bear with me here.

Also, an update on everyone's living situation:
-King and Purple live at King's house in Stick City, with an easy-access to Alan's computer.
-Gold and Sapphire are together, and live with Copper and Scarlet in a house in the village Purple used to live in(the houses are pretty close)
-Dark and Chosen live with Second and his friends on Alan's desktop, so that Chosen can be the protective big brother/best friend that he is(I do like the idea of living by themselves and I did work with that, but I changed my mind and now they live on the computer.



Purple can't feel anything. He's gone numb to the world around him, with his vision blackening and his ears ringing, doubled with the numbness in his body, he feels like he's died and gone to hell.

If hell is numb and loud with rings.

The ringing in his ears is so loud, he's hardly able to hear King and the others shouting over each other with the mix of fear and desperation overlapping.

He can't imagine how Dark must feel right now. Probably the same as him, if not worse.

It did seem like he was much worse off than he was.

God, the pain in his head was so unbearable.

"Purple! Purple, honey, breathe. Stay with us. Stay with me! Come on, baby, please!" King tries so hard to say anything to keep his attention.

"King...King, I...I can't..." He manages through the pain.

"Just breathe, honey. Breathe."

He's trying. Really, he is. His heartbeat is so fast he feels like it's gonna explode out of his chest.


Slowly, his breathing starts to return to normal, and the numbness he feels starts dying down. His ears are ringing less and less, and he lets his exhaustion take control.


"Go to sleep, baby. It's okay. I've got you."

He lets the exhaustion of the pain overtake him, and he feels himself collapse into someone's arms before unconsciousness overtakes him.

Dark has long since passed out from the pain, but he's still shaking severely, which worries Chosen more than it should.

"What's wrong with them?! Is he okay?!" Chosen yelled to anyone in particular as everyone runs around. Blue has long since forgotten eating netherwarts, and is running around and grabbing ingredients for healing potions.

"The vines had to have something to do with this. There's no other explanation." Second said thoughtfully.

"Unless the curse Orchid was talking about has a role on this," King suggested, holding an unconscious Purple in his arms.

"Then why would it be affecting Dark AND Purple?" Green asked.

"Good point."

"Will they be alright?" Chosen asked as he let his fear and worry overtake his panic.

"With some rest and medicine, they should be fine. Get the potions into IV bags and hook it up to those two, while we try and figure out what the hell is going on." Second said.

"Got it!"

Sleep has long since been forgotten as Yellow studies the two sleeping sticks. They've been unconscious for hours, and he's spent every second since then trying to figure out what's wrong.

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