It's Not The End(Epilouge)

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Never believe what I say at the end of penultimate chapters.

I said it was the end and then said that for another four books.



Purple was barely able to register where he was when he woke up the next morning.

Sitting up in his bed, he tried recollecting his memories from the previous day.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

His mother controlling him.

Fighting off his father.

Reuniting with King an d the others.

Defeating Navy and Orchid

His powers awakening.

Yellow coming back.

It was all so much to take in.

"Purple? Are you..."

When did King show up?

"I...think? I don't know. What happened?"

King's eyes showed both concern yet relief at the same time. "You've been out since yesterday. We weren't sure what was wrong until Yellow helped bandage your injuries."

"Oh yeah...the injuries..."

If he was being honest, he hadn't payed them any mind. Thanks to his powers, they'd been numbed for who knows how long.

"Did you not notice them or anything? Most of them looked pretty bad." King asked, confused.

"I didn't feel them. The power overload really just numbed everything, I guess."

King sighed. "At least your alright. That's all I really care about at this point."

Purple smiled. "It's all over, isn't it?"

"Hopefully, kid. Hopefully." King patted Purple's head, tightening his grip on Purple's hand.

God, he really hoped it was over.

2 weeks later...

"HEY, SEC! WHERE'D YOU PUT THE SUGAR? I NEED IT FOR THE CAKE TONIGHT!" Blue shouted into the living room, where Second was mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

"Huh? The sugar should be in the cabinet." Second responded.

"Well, it isn't." Blue snapped, poking his head out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Purple looked up from the chair where he'd been texting King. "You sure Red hasn't stolen any? Or maybe you ran out?"

"That thing was half full yesterday! We shouldn't have ran out already!" Blue exclaimed.

"There are like, 7-8 people here on a daily basis, Blue. And you do bake a lot. Maybe you ran out." Second suggested.

"Purp, help me?"


"Don't you live with this?!"

"Hey, I don't live with Sapphire! My adoptive father-proclaimed brother does."

"So...your adoptive brother."

"Fuck you."

"Just sayin."

Purple stared at him for another minute before looking back at his phone, receiving another text from King.

Self-proclaimed dad: does anything seem off about the outernet to you? The sky's being really weird here.

Purp: I can check.

"Hey, Sec? Check with Chosen and see if anything wrong with the outernet. King says the sky's being weird in the city."

"Uh...yeah, sure." Second ran upstairs to find Chosen and Dark.

Purp: They're checking it out now.

Self-proclaimed dad: thanks purple.

"The sky's acting up everywhere in that area." Chosen said distinctively as he, Dark, and Second walked down the stairs.

"Thay doesn't sound good." Purple said.

"By our standards, it probably isn't. When is it good?"


As the others filed out the door and joined Red, then they realized the widget was indeed open, and particles were flying out of and around it.

Particles with colors Purple knew all too well.

Blue and pink.

"Oh, shit."

King paced around, staring at the red sky above him every so often.

"Dad, you okay?" Gold asked, sitting on the steps on the home.

"No, I'm really not. I'm worried about Purple and the others. We've barely had a month to recover from the last attack, and Purple's powers are still difficult to control."

"I'm sure they're fine...Hey, look! They're they are!" Scarlet jumped up from her spot as Purple and the others ran into the street.

"Thank Alan. Is everyone alright?" King asked.

"Yeah, just a little confused."

Purple looked up at the sky. "I might have an answer."


Purple sighed. As much as he hoped it wasn't, it had to be, "Navy and Orchid."

King stared at the pink and blue particles floating around them as he held Purple's hand tightly. "Looks like we've got another battle ahead of us."

Dark groaned. "Another one?! Really?!"

Purple felt Orchid seize control of his mind for a brief moment, as her words sank in deep.

"Rest assured, my son. You and your friends will not survive this battle, no matter how hard you try. I will win, and I will make sure of that. You can try, you can run, and you can hide all you want. Your friends can, too. But I will make sure I. Win. This. Time. And your not gonna be able to stop me."

The words sent shivers down his spine as he and the rest of the group stared in horror at the sky.

Orchid spoke again, this time they all heard her.

"This is only the beginning."

"The beginning of the end."

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