3. You Saved Me

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(In the Bar)

“Hi theerreee.” A girl younger than me slurred under her drunk breath.

“Hi.” I said, turning away from her on my chair. I took a sip of my bloody mary, and inhaled the smell of drinks around me.

She instantly turned my way again.

“Wanna dance?” She asked me, grabbing my drink and giving it to a waiter to take away.

Before I could reply, she took my hand, yanking me to the center of the bar.

I tried to stretch my hand away, but it was no use.

She started dancing on me as I rolled my eyes.

I felt so uncomfortable, I wish I could go back to the time Niall pushed me and I fell on camera- that was better than this.

I had an idea that might work, but who knows if it would work.

I’m just going to try it anyway.

I pulled her close to me, pulling the hair out of her ear.

“Wanna get out of here?” I asked her.

She just chuckled, as I led her to the front door.

Just as we squeezed through people, I escaped my wrist from her hand behind me.

I quickly darted away from her, running and pushing my way through the crowd of people scattered trhougoght the bar. I only looked back once, and she wasn’t there. Success.

I ran to the back of the bar, sprinting out the door.

I leaned against the wall of the bar catching my breath.

I looked around as I regained air, seeing two figures in the alley way to my left.

“STOP! GET OFF OF ME!” A girl yelled.

“ SHUTUP BITCH.” A man spat.

He puts his hand over her mouth and she bites it. 

"AH.." The man yells as he winces in pain and holds his hand.

The woman attempts to get up, but is defeated as his bloody hand reaches her right cheek.

I step closer, afriad of what to do but the adrenaline kicking in doesn't stop me form inching close after each action he preforms to her.

He unbuttons her jeans, and pulls her zipper down.

Was he going to rape her? Hurt her? Not on my watch. I don’t know this guy, or the girl, but I don’t want to regret maybe saving a girl’s life, and saving a girls horrible memory she will never forget. I HAVE to help her. She needs me to save her.

“Any last words?” He asked the girl.

“Yeah, get the hell off her.” I told him strongly.

He turned around, angrily looking at me.

“And who the hell do you think you are?” The man asked me.

The anger in my body had bottled up with my fear. I almost chocked before my adrenaline swooped in to stop myself from being a coward.

“I’m Harry.” I spat. 

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