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My stomach flipped and when my feets touched the ground I immediately fallen down. I felt like I would throw up any minute but I managed to not to.
„ Are you gonna throw up?" he asked but I managed to stood up even when ny head twirled around.
„ No, I'm fine" I answered and for second he disappeared in the dark cloud of mist and returned second after with spymaster and General.

„ Welcome to the Night court, Naerys" High Lord said with calm in his voice and I looked around, I saw big hall and in the and there were two thrones. One for him and the other for High Lady the Cursebreaker.
„ Why am I here?" i asked when I turned to face him, spymaster was surrounded by his shadows and Cassian sat on sofa made especially for Illyrian's and our wings.
„ You will know later in these days. Azriel take her to some room in here."
he nodded and I followed him out of the throne room.

Maybe I'm really hurt or is his shadows touching my hands?
Though I didn't mind in some way I was calmer than before and when shadow wrapped around my fingers I giggled and walked to spymaster when he stopped, immediately I backed away and looked up. „ Sorry" he didn't answer but opened door and I walked in, not daring to look at him.

„ When you will want something just go back to throne room or there's guards on halls ask them. They know you are staying here so you won't get into a problem." I stared at him when he spoke, It was the first thing I heard from him...
„ Sure, thanks. By the way I could eat something now I don't know how long I haven't eaten anything." he nodded.
„ I will show you the dining room"
I put my things down on the floor and walked after him.

„ Are your shadows always like this?" he turned around to see his shadows all over my fingers.
„ No, they are not. What are you?" he asked but continued walking through hall.
„ An Illyrian? What are you a unicorn?"
even when I couldn't see his face I heard his quiet snort.
„ I'm just curious."
„ Don't be it can get youin deep shit, like me." I smiled and he opened big wooden door and I walked in to find here a beautiful blonde girl. Morrigan.
She is the Third-in-Command of the Night Court, truth speaker.
She looked at me and than at spymaster behind me.
„ Hi, Im Morrigan" she walked over to me and I stepped back almost knocking the vase down from furniture in corner with my wings.
„ Oh, shut up! Im not that scary!" she giggled and I raised eyebrow, I knew she was going to hug me and I hate hugs that are not from my father or brother.
„ I'm not scared of you I just don't like hugs?" Morrigan raised and eyebrow and looked at Azriel.
„ So what's your name?" she asked and glanced at me.
„ Naerys Fay Neeji"
„ That's a unusual name" she said slowly„I love it!" smiled and walked to a table I walked too and sat on the other side where she sat.
„So, when you do not need me ladies, I will be on my own way." I glanced I at spymaster before he disappeared in doors.

„ So, Naerys what are you doing here exactly?"
„ I have no fucking idea. That bunch of Illyrian's and by that I mean High Lord and those other two, won't tell me."
she laughed when I spoke with my mouth full of muffin.
„ That sounds like a bad day."
„ I would say a years but that wi do it too." she laughed, i guess I'm funny.
„ I like you. We will get along just fine." I smiled.

When I finished my meal Morrigan helped me to my room and I took a bath I really needed.
It was dark so I lighted a candles and sat in hot tub, relaxing until I heard a knock on my doors.
„ Fuck" I sniffed and rolled my eyes when I got out of the tub and wrapped myself in towel. I walked over to doors just in towel and slippers that I found in closet.

„ What?" I opened door, shock went through my body when I saw a General.
He coughed and tried to keep eye contact with me, but I knew that he already looked at my legs and chest, I wrapped towel tighter around me glaring at him.
„ Um, I came to take you to the court of Nightmares." I raised eyebrow.
„ I don't know anything about it."
„ Azriel was supposed to tell you. Didn't he?"
„ Do I look like I'm going somewhere? No so get your General ass out of my doorstep and get me some fancy dresses or you can all dream about me going somewhere." he blinked few times.
„ You know you are not super to talk with your General that way, soldier?"
„ For the record I'm not even a soldier I just fought alongside you, and you are not my General. Only man I'm gonna ever respect is the High Lord and his wife. So go cry about it or I don't care." I slammed with door into his face and after few minutes I heard a laughter through all palace.
High Lord must saw or heard my response.

I did and I'm impressed, Naerys. Morrigan is bringing you dresses.

I heard him in my mind.
As awful I felt when I looked into the mirror I decided Morrigan could help me with some make-up.
She entered my room and I smiled at her.
She brought me a white dress with some accessories I haven't seen when she put then on my bed and walked over to me with smile spread across her face.
„ Your hair are so beautiful Naerys." I turned to look into a mirror, she did have truth. My white hair were beautiful and long. Not many people did have this hair and when they did they called hin freak like me all my life but I loved my hair.
It reminded me of snow in Illyrian mountains, the coldest winter spread across the whole Illyria.
Like my hair.

„But my face looks like I have been punched in a war." she nodded and chuckled.
„ Yes it does. But we can fix that, don't you worry."
„ That didn't sound, great. Im terrified." she rolled her eyes and turned me to face her and she started to put on my face some products I didn't know a name of but when I looked into a mirror I looked healthier and alive, i would say.
„ Thank you"
„ Don't thank me, now put on those pretty dress" i nodded and changed into white dress and she put metal corset around my stomach and a shoulder armor.

 „ Thank you" „ Don't thank me, now put on those pretty dress" i nodded and changed into white dress and she put metal corset around my stomach and a shoulder armor

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„ I love it!" she said and I smiled it looked good on me like I was some goddess.

„ Finally! I could never understand why woman prepare that long. Like you still look same Morrigan." General said when we walked into a throne room.
I saw there were High Lord and High Lady and I kneeled pefore them.
„ Oh god! No, stand up dear." High Lady said to me and I stood up.
„ You don't need to kneel in private, Naerys. Just in public, okay?" High Lord said and I nodded.
„ You look more beautiful than I imagined." High Lady said and I smiled.
„ Thank you, you look beautiful too my High Lady."
„ And please call us all by our names. Rhysand, please."
„ Feyre" I nodded but stayed quiet.
„ My Spymaster is Azriel and General is Cassian, and Morrigan you already know." Rhysand said in calm voice and I smiled when I looked into his violet eyes.

Does he have a stars in his eyes or am I just blind?

I have stars in my eyes. Thank you

I didn't answer. That man's ego is higher than the highest mountain in Illyria.
I heard laugh from both Feyre and Rhysand.
Did I say it out loud?

„No you did not. But you are funny as hell. Im gonna keep you." Feyre said and I raised eyebrow.
„ What am I ? A cat or some hamster?"

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