you know what i've been through

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uc work was unpredictable— lucy knew this, but what she didn't know is that detective harper's training was also unpredictable.

lucy was cooking dinner for her, tim, and tamara. she opened the refrigerator and sighed. she had forgotten to pick up soy sauce at the store. there was a small convenience store a block away from her, and it was on the pricier side, but it would also save her a drive, so she took the walking option. "i am going to the store" lucy called to tim who was in the shower.

lucy was rushing and not really paying attention to the people around her when suddenly something covered her face. she let out a scream which was quickly muffled as a pair of arms roughly pushed her into some sort of vehicle.

lucy's mind raced. what was going on? who could this be? where did this person come from? she wasn't going down without a fight, and she tried to kick and claw her way out of the strangers grasp.

the person was too strong though, and lucy couldn't see anything. something bound her hands together and then her ankles. she heard a door slam shut and felt the car moving. now she was beginning to panic.

"what the fuck is going on?" she demanded. "who are you?" "where are you taking me?" "too many questions" a low voice chuckled. lucy tried to pay attention to the turns the vehicle was making, but her fear was beginning to get the better of her.

she had been kidnapped my caleb just four months ago, this couldn't possibly be happening again. lucy tried to clear her mind of the possibility.

ten or so minutes later, lucy squinted as the cover was removed from her head. she took in her surroundings as quickly as she could. it was dark. it looked like a parking lot. someone had taken her purse during the transfer. there was a woman tied up next to her. harper. it was detective harper. her hands and ankles were also bound, and there was a gag in her mouth.

"do you know this girl?" the deep voice questioned. it belonged to a man wearing dark clothing. his face was covered by a ski mask. chen knew harper was a uc officer, and this was probably one of her targets, "who are you?"

the man kicked her in the side causing her to wince, "never mind that— this bitch says she knows you— so, i'll ask you again: do you know this girl?" lucy glared at him "i've made her a few kilos before" she wasn't going to use any more information than she had to in case she said the wrong thing.

the man yanked a pistol out of his pocket and lucy could swear her heart stopped. the man sauntered up to lucy and pressed it against her temple. "don't play with me bitch— are you sure you aren't both cops."

lucy didn't miss a beat "listen, asshole, i am a cook, i can make you a few batches if you want, but if you kill me, i'm no good to you— i'm not a fucking cop."

the man stepped back, and he slowly took off his mask. suddenly he was laughing? and so was harper? "what?" lucy gasped completely confused. "chen that was great" harper complimented her as she removed the gag from her mouth, and the man who lucy now recognized as another uc officer bent down to loosen the restraints around the women's wrists and ankles.

"what the hell??" lucy demanded jumping to her feet. she was in disbelief. "you mean this was fake??" "chen, i had to see if you could handle—" "you know what i've been through" lucy spat back, not even letting her finish. "chen, that's why i had to make sure you could control your emotions."

lucy shook her head, "no," she was angry. she was hurt. "no, i was taken by a serial killer four months ago." she took a step back from the two officers. "four moths ago. you could have warned me" "that would have defeated—" "SCREW YOU" lucy cut her off. she was spiraling now, and she needed to get away.

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