3: Complicated/Overrated

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"How can you not tell me?" Winter's frustration bubbled to the surface.

Caught off guard, Ning quickly seized her arm and guided her outside the bar, moving towards the shoreline. "You told me you were staying in Japan for a few more months! I'm happy to see you, but why are you already home?!" Ning yelled, a defensive edge in her voice. The waves provided a soothing backdrop to their unexpected conversation.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Winter's eyes widened, conveying her genuine intent.

"Well, consider me surprised!" Ning shot back.

In the midst of their talk, Winter's expression shifted, and she let out a heavy sigh, "I have a bigger problem," she confessed, her voice dropping to a deep, serious register. "I'm homeless. Some rich people bought our apartment building, and everyone needs to be gone by tomorrow afternoon."

Ning playfully punched her in the arm, "I kept telling you to just move in with us," Despite her best friend's persistent invitations, Winter always thought Ning and Aeri had a thing so she refused to live with them. "Karina's staying with us for the entire filming, by the way! I don't know what to do here. I already said yes!"

"She couldn't get a hotel? Isn't she rich, rich?" Winter replied. Frustrated.

The apartment was spacious—big enough for four people, but Winter wasn't thinking about picking rooms at the moment. In fact, she didn't even want to entertain the thought.

"She's taking surfing lessons for her new role, so she figured it's best to be near the beach. You know how undeveloped this area is—no hotels nearby." Ning explained.

Shouldn't she learn how to surf months before filming? And why is Ryujin not teaching her instead? What kind of girlfriend is that? Winter's inner monologue echoed her frustration. Ning patiently waited for a response, but Winter was busy indulging in her petty thoughts.

"If you told me you'd be home sooner, I could've said no to her. You know I'll always take your side, Win." Ning stopped talking to Karina after the whole 'Let's take a break' situation with Winter, but they managed to patch things up a few months ago. Karina never gave up on reaching out. "I should've told you that I started talking to her again, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be. She's family. And I'm glad you guys are okay again." It felt as if Karina had thoroughly taken over every facet of Winter's miserable life:

1. Invading her sacred space, setting up camp for god knows how long
2. Dating one of her surf buddies
3. Popping up at her favorite bar ordering her go-to smoky martini
4. About to share the same apartment

It was incredible.

"I can kick her out," Ning was trying to find ways to make this better. She will say anything at this point.

"Please don't. It's been years, I overreacted. I'll be fine."

"Aeri and I will help you pack the rest of your stuff tomorrow, okay?" Ning finished as she gave Winter a nice, warm embrace, "I'm sorry about Japan. You'll get Ryujin next time. She just got lucky."

"As a bronze medalist, I have one-year supply of that disgusting Krush beer. What else could I possibly ask for?" Winter replied with a chuckle, and Ning laughed in agreement.

"Hey, I love that disgusting beer!" a familiar voice rang out, instantly capturing their attention.

Ning's eyes widened in surprise, and before anyone could react, she lunged forward with an exuberant, "Oh my god, Taemin!" Arms flailing, she enveloped her long-lost friend in a tight, aggressive hug, threatening to topple him over.

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