6: Feelings Are Fatal

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"...And that's why you do not sleep with your ex." Seulgi's early arrival resulted in Winter getting unwillingly roped into a day-drinking session. As her coach incessantly delves into a lengthy monologue about some ex named Ilene or Irene (honestly, who even remembers?), Winter's just trying to navigate the endless tirade on past relationships. Because, you know, that's exactly what she had on her agenda for today – not.

Just a casual midday tequila marathon at Lingo, the bar-restaurant conveniently nestled behind Ning and Aeri's surf shop. Because, really, who needs a clock to dictate when it's socially acceptable to start knocking back shots?

The cause of her internal chaos was strutting outside, showcasing herself like an absolute goddess in a captivating dark blue bikini. Every inch of her body appeared exceptionally sculpted by the gods, and Winter couldn't help but marvel at the soft hair she vividly remembered tangling her fingers in last night while getting devoured. And that smile? She had to tear her gaze away before she melted into a puddle of confusion and desire right then and there.

A little too late, perhaps.

"Are you even listening to me?"


Seulgi's voice cut through Winter's mental fog like a rogue wave crashing. Last night's escapade felt like a cosmic prank, disrupting the carefully curated order of her life. She accepted the fact that they were never meant to be a thing, and found comfort in that closure. But the universe decided to throw in a cheeky middle finger her way.

It was probably karma for all the girls she might have unintentionally ghosted. She had her reasons; she certainly wasn't a heartless monster (leading people on and creating false expectations) unlike someone she knew.

She entertained the thought that perhaps she had imagined it all.

But the lingering memory of the softness of those lips she kissed refused to be ignored. The other girl's greedy pursuit was evident in the way she relentlessly sought pleasure, making Winter gasp for air at one point.

And, almost predictably, she found herself choking again at the mere thought of it.

"You okay? Do you need water?" Seulgi asked while Winter was coughing up, choking on her pulutan (drinking snack).

Amidst the coughing, Winter raised a hand to signal that she was okay.

"What's she doing here?" Seulgi discreetly eyed the actress outside doing her regular surf lessons.

"Ever heard of Somi's biography mini-series? Karina's playing her. They're filming for a few months," Winter explained in hushed tones. Somi, the unbeatable surf champion, had garnered attention for her incredible rags-to-riches tale and philanthropic efforts. Her commitment to donating half of her winnings to various charities became a viral sensation, thanks to her heartwarming TikTok videos. The producers, drawn to Somi's compelling story and the promise of a massive fanbase (let's be real, it's about the money), decided to create a TV show showcasing her challenging past and her current role as both an extraordinary female athlete and a humanitarian.

Seulgi pulled a disgusted face.

"She's a fraud. Wasn't she once obsessed with you at surf camp?" Winter shrugged, acknowledging that Somi might've been one of the many she unintentionally left on read. Her memories are a bit blurry at the time. She was aware of the rumors circulating about Somi's questionable TikTok videos, but, you know, no solid evidence. Somi's army of loyal fans always seemed ready to fend off any criticism, ensuring her spotless online reputation.

Believe it or not, the female surfer community Winter was entangled in was really more of a massive gay club than anything else – not that she had any complaints. There were vague memories of Somi hitting on her at random beach parties, but, honestly, blondes weren't her usual flavor.

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