07: How Could My Day Be Bad?

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⏳ 06:08 AM

Winter's eyes gradually open, squinting against the morning light that floods in from the uncovered window. Immediately, a sense of foreboding about the day settles in.

It was shaping up to be one of those really, really bad days.

The usual morning routine is disrupted—no beach run, no charming encounters with stray dogs along the way. The gym is an unreachable destination and surfing? Absolutely out of the question for the next few weeks.

The mundane task of doing laundry, something as simple as crouching to gather clothes, is now impossible. Each aspect of the day ahead is tainted by the realization that her usual activities are abruptly off-limits.

Observing the scene outside, Winter couldn't help but notice that the weather mirrored her subdued mood. The once bright sunlight that had bathed her room earlier had given way to a somber overcast sky.

The physical constraints on her body fueled a growing frustration, and the weight of it lingered as she reluctantly gathered her crutches and rose from her bed. Despite the challenge, she was forced to face the day.

As she entered the living room, Karina's presence was notably absent. However, a delightful surprise awaited her on the dining table – a steaming cup of coffee accompanied by a takeout breakfast, complete with a small note. As she drew nearer, she extended her hand and deftly switched on the light, illuminating the room which was dimmed by the cloudy morning outside.

"Out for a run. Text me if you need anything."

Winter felt a gentle flutter in her chest but it was accompanied by a slight pang of guilt regarding the text she sent the night before.

It was a mistake.

Reconnecting with someone she had been on the brink—not entirely, but very very close—of falling in love with felt like a deliberate choice rather than a mistake. But she wouldn't admit that, of course.

The more pressing concern was avoiding getting sucked back in. She was fully aware of Karina's ability to effortlessly draw her back. Equally frightening was realizing how Karina could just as easily let her go again.

However, in the aftermath of recent events, she dealt with the realization that despite her best efforts to detach, she remained entirely, a hundred percent, not over Karina and she didn't need further nudging with these endearing gestures.

Leaving coffee on the table. Staying when she's at her worst. Breakfast takeout because Karina's culinary skills are nothing short of a disaster. And those oh-so-thoughtful sticky notes, because nothing says genuine care like tiny pieces of paper with cliché expressions. How utterly heartwarming. Very beneficial for her rock-solid emotional stability.

Things were all set to go her way. Karina was moving out, she was gearing up for a fantastic week away in Japan to drown her frustrations in alcohol—it was perfect.

But talk about timing — a near-death experience and her personal savior turned out to be the very person she was tirelessly trying to avoid.

Raising the cup to her lips, Winter took a sip, savoring the familiar warmth of the coffee that once had the power to lift her mood.

*phone chimes*

where are you?

The presence of Ryujin now carries a weight she hadn't felt before. Despite their usual transition from rivals to good friends after tournaments (not quite hitting the best friends level), Winter would happily pick Ryujin for her post-day hangouts.

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