5: Kissing Friends

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A/N: Hey everyone! If you read this in AFF, I sincerely apologize, I accidentally posted the wrong draft 😅 It's my first time using that website and got confused, I didn't know you had to tick the draft thing lmao. I only noticed it after a few days, lol :( 

Here's something I meant to post; I've been busy but thanks for reading!


Seoul, Three Years Ago

Winter entered Karina's condo, the door closing with a soft thud that muffled the distant city sounds. As the lights flickered to life, the room unveiled its intricacies – the blue velvet couch, a statement piece adorned with tiny dinosaur pillows, each one a testament to Karina's quirky taste that Winter playfully disputed but had come to accept. The coffee table, scarred with the imprints of mugs, monotone carpets, slightly faded at the edges, sprawled across the floor, and the expansive windows framing the city's nocturnal skyline.

A peach-colored muffler lay on the floor. Winter couldn't help but picture the hurried departure – the rustle of clothes, the clatter of keys, and the scattering of belongings. That was Karina's usual exit. Either leaving for school to attend an important event or waking up late from a fun night together and almost missing Karina's family brunch, dinner, social events or anything basically that requires her presence. She hailed from a close-knit, predominantly Catholic family. These gatherings were more than routine; they were sacred moments, especially when they involved the media.

The Yus, much like Winter's family, were known for meticulously upholding a positive reputation. She understood this well, knew that missing these gatherings was simply not an option. While Winter often earned the unofficial title of the family's 'black sheep' due to her habitual absence, Karina, on the contrary, played the role of the dutiful daughter. Skipping these events was unimaginable for her.

Turning her gaze to the city lights outside, Winter stood by the window, absorbing the urban pulse. The glow of the city mirrored the mix of warmth and impatience swirling within her. Glancing at her watch, she acknowledged the late hour, the quiet anticipation building as she sank into the familiar embrace of the couch.

As her fingers grazed the remote to turn the tv on, the sudden shuffling outside the door captured her attention. The door cracked slightly and Karina emerged, carefully removing her shoes at the genkan – that small, traditional space in Korean houses where shoes are left. A smile lights up her face as she notices Winter, "Hey,"

"Hey," Winter replied, a soft smile played on her lips.

"Have you had dinner?" Karina asked, gracefully shedding her coat.

"I have, thanks." What Winter wanted to say was, "I wanted to have dinner with you, but you had to stay longer at the party, so I ended up eating solo. By the way... I miss you." but she went with the shorter response.

Karina passed by the back of the couch, running her hand along Winter's back. Leaning down, she pressed a soft, lingering kiss on the crown of the smaller girl's head, her warm breath leaving a comforting sensation. "I'm happy you're here," she whispered before moving on to the fridge to grab a glass of water.

"Happy to be here," Winter responded. They overused those lines, but they meant more than just being glad to see each other.

Sometimes when Karina says, 'I'm happy you're here,' it really means, 'I've been thinking about you the whole day. And I'm glad you're here with me now.' Or 'I was at the family dinner, but all I ever thought was wanting to touch you.'

When Winter says, 'I'm happy to be here,' sometimes it really means, 'I can't stop thinking about you and how it feels good when we're together.' Or 'I miss you. So much. I can't wait to spend another night with you.'

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