Chapter 48

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I watch as he places his full glass down on the distressed pine square table in front of the fireplace. It has gotten cooler, Logan crouches down in front of the fireplace. Damn if that butt isn't sexy, I don't know what his and the way his jeans tighten on those superior thighs of his. He's definitely like those book boyfriends you just can't get enough of. Logan's physique is incredible, he has certainly filled out since we were together. He's all muscle and it suits him.

"It's getting chillier now in the evenings, but I love this time of year." I say as he lights the firelighter, the flames instantly spring up all red and glorious, I do love a real fire.

Hector mooches close to Logan; nuzzles his leg and I watch as Logan tenderly strokes his dog's head and places a kiss on his nose. Oh my, it makes me swoon the softness of him towards the dog. It's adorable. Hector lays down, clearly enjoying the instant warmth of the fire as it starts to crackle and catches the logs nicely stacked.

"It's my favorite time of the year," he says warming his hands up in front of it. "The trees and their majestic color here in the fall are second to none. Then there's all the Thanksgiving celebrations followed by Christmas. So much going on, not to mention Halloween." Logan stands up and steps over Hector as he makes his way over to me on the sofa and sits down.

I can feel his body heat he's that close, do I shift up to be closer to him? I take a sip of the full-bodied wine instead. It eases nicely down my throat and has a woody note to it. Delicious, I do love a good bodied red wine. "I don't expect you get many kids up here for Halloween, or do you?" He chuckles and looks at me. His eyes are to die for, and I can feel myself being pulled into him, my body has shifted involuntarily and now we're so close our thighs are practically touching.

"Not really, but we do something at the practice, Eliza goes to town decorating it and Sadie loves it. Most of the kids come round after school before we close, and we hand out the sweets and fruits. I've been known to dress up for them." His lips are turned up.

"That I've got to see." The words naturally come out of my mouth before I even realize that perhaps I won't be in Willowbrook for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Only, it'd be fun, right? I never did Halloween with Miles, he said it wasn't right to encourage kids to eat way too many sweets and that it was wrong they were all allowed to roam around the streets in the dark. Seriously? Now I think about it he was a bit of a stick in the mud. Who doesn't love Halloween?

It used to be one of my favorite times of the year. Logan would dress up as Herman Munster, he looked ridiculous and funny at the same time. I'd always go as a black cat with a long tail, the ears, my face would be painted the whole nine yards. Of course, when I was much younger my mom would dress Ali and I up as cute pumpkins. It makes me smile.

"Memories?" He asks me, his right hand now on his thigh. If I just move my hand a fraction our fingertips will touch. I'm itching to touch him, just you know to feel the warmth of his fingers against mine. I know already electricity will shoot through me faster than you can say zip.

"Yeah, you know me too well, Logan. I was thinking of how we'd dress up and have a blast going round with the younger kids to chaperone them then head off to a party up at Henson's open field with a bonfire, toffee apples, warm cider and just hang out listening to music. You'd play your guitar, and we'd all sing and laugh. It was a good time."

He nods his head. "The best time. No cares in the world, no real responsibilities just getting our grades. It was fun, everything with you was fun, Sage." He looks almost sad, I know I ripped his heart out but I'm telling you, I ripped my own heart out too. His words get to me, my heart flutters and I almost lean over and press my lips to him.

I'd love to go forward with Logan and see how our lives play out, but I'm not sure I want to stay in Willowbrook. The place is too small for a now city girl like me. Isn't it? 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now