Ep 2-Beaver Infestation

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"Hello everybody! Welcome to another episode of... TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLANDDD!"

Chris shouts out as the episode begins, he seems genuinely excited for what the episode will bring- or just about the ratings. The camera then goes over too the players standing around, some are talking and others are just in there own worlds.

"Nobody's hair is actually that shade of blonde!"

MK and Julia are arguing again it seems...

"You're just jealous your getting grey hairs at 16!"

(Idk if that's there actual age just imagine they are.)

A gasp comes from somebody, as well as a laugh,

"She did not just say that!"

There's a pause for a minute, everybody's silent,

"I did just say that!"

Julia shouts at the person, aka Bowie, he seems angry, but he holds it back.

"Alright everybody!! Today we'll have the teams picked by mwa!"

He points at himself,

(Don't get mad at me for not letting them choose the teams okay?)

"Alright... The first team is... The Petrified Iguanas!"

Chris says excitedly, Axel laughs and pokes Ripper,

"Sounds like you."

Ripper looks a bit offended, but he doesn't say anything, as he's slightly afraid of Axel.

"On the Petrified Iguanas are... Zee, Emma, Julia, MK, Nichelle, Ripper, Raj and Priya!"

They all walk over, apart from Raj and Wayne look at each other in a sad way,

"Hey- can't somebody switch? I can't not be on Wayne's team!"

Raj says in a sad way, Bowie looks a little upset,

"And my team."

Raj seems shocked how Bowie is mad,

"A-and Bowies team!"

There's an awkward silence,

Raj's confessional:

"I can't be without Wayne-"

He stops for a second,


He seems panicked.

Confessional end.

"I'll switch."

Says a slightly annoyed Axel, she walks over to the Petrified Iguanas,

Axel's confessional:

"The only reason I switched over was so I could annoy Ripper."

She laughs,

Confessional end.

Raj seems super happy and hugs Axel,

"Get off me!"

She pushes him off her, he seems upset but gets a smile on his face again as he runs over to Wayne.

"Alright then. The other team is called... The Annoyed Vipers!"

He pauses for dramatic effect,

"The players on this team are... Raj, Wayne, Bowie Damien, Chase, Scary Girl, Millie and Caleb!"

The teams start talking about random teenager stuff.

"Alright teams! It's time for our first challenge!"

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