Ep 5- Lazer Tag Masquerade

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Uh so quick note, my motivation went down for ages so don't kill me for that, anyway I'm sick rn and I don't have much better to do so... ENJOYY 🥳

(edit: that was at the time I started writing this, this took multiple days...)
Chris walks up to the camera because yes

"Hello total drama fans- and others! Welcome back to another episode of..."

He pauses, for dramatic effect

(Before you attack me for always saying this, he's a show host he would do this)


The camera pans towards Mk and Julia, who are talking whilst reading a newspaper together- who knows why they are?

"Hm... this person kinda looks like me."

Julia points to one of the people in the book, which causes Mk to laugh,

"You wish!"

"Of course you say that."

Mk rolls her eyes,

"You look more like..."
"That one!"

She points to a very disturbed looking sheep

"That's not even a person!!"

Julia shouts out of annoyance.


Julia gasps,

"Oh no you don't!"

She pushes the newspaper in Mk's face, Mk laughs before throwing it away,

"Aww, come on Julie, it's not that bad~!"

Julia stops,

"Are you, flirting with me?"

Mk laughs,

"Come on, let's go get some grub!"

She pulls Julia away, we see a very red faced Julia


Everyone in the food hall place thingy is talking, which causes it to be very loud, Zee is on his-

(Lemme count)

-Sixth soda of the day.

(I've mentioned this before, but that is NOT healthy 😭)

"Zee- hey man!"

Damien sits down next to him,

"Oh- hey Damien! What's up?"

Zee says, sounding very happy,

"Uh not much, just wondering about something."

Zee looks confused,

"Ok- what is it?"

"So you know how Chris is a jerk?"

*cricket sounds*

(Return of the crickets 🦗 :0)

"Well, yes. It's not a new fact, what about it?"

"That's it."


*the crickets are bored*

They kinda just sit there for a few minutes, eating the food
Todays sponsor is Chef, because yes, Chef, hello??



"You said if I did this you'd get Chris off my butt for a day."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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