The First Trial

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Just a second reminder to go play the 5th Fontaine archon quest or watch gameplay of it before you read this novel.

There are many parts interlinked with the lore and many spoilers.


The court room attendants' shudder in unison at the rumbling roar of Neuvillette's voice echoing throughout the theatre. Eyes turn towards the Chief Justice as he stands on a center platform as usual.

"While I understand this is the first trial after the tragic events that caused our precious land of Fontaine to flood and the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale to discontinue, and I understand how our future trials will play out is of interest to you all, I urge you to respect the court." Neuvillette projected in an effort to quiet the loud gossip.

The audience members remained quiet with a few murmurs here and there, intimidated by the powerful presence of the Chief Justice.

Neuvillette continued with a sigh, "Tonight, the one giving the final verdict will be me, the Iudex of Fontaine, Monsieur Neuvillette. If you have any objections, please contact my personal assistant at her office at the Palais Mermonia. Arguing or objections will not be tolerated in this theatre."

"But how can we trust you to make a fair judgement? Haven't you been proven to make unfair calls when the Oratrice was still in commission? Did we all forget about Childe's case? We need answers!" an audience member yelled.

Neuvillette's heart sank. He was expecting this kind of behaviour from some of the attendants, but prayed to the seven that this would not arise.

"Childe's case was unfortunately a false verdict, a fault due to circumstances we cannot disclose lawfully." Neuvillette uttered coldly in an effort to hide his intense frustration. He lied through his teeth, but Neuvillette decided that white lies to respect the divine choices were needed for the prosperity of the Fontainians, and if there were to be a fight in the courtroom, the Melusines would be subject to clean up the mess, and they were his beloved species.

After his recent conversation with the traveler, his views on the weight of sin were changed, and some "sin" can have a more positive turn of events than negative, and everyone is subject to being a sinner, even himself. The truth is, he did not fully understand the reasoning for Tartaglia's verdict, or why Focalors would call for this during this trial. Another truth is that there is no law that would force him to withhold this information. He hoped no one would catch on.

"And what law constitutes this silence? How can we be sure that this is fact? The public needs to know!" The audience member shouted.

Neuvillette tried to figure out a way to get out of this situation without lying anymore then he had to, but then he spotted something.

A kamera.

He ignored the man's questions and gestured to the guard to remove the man from the court.

"One of Fontaine's laws states that any form of film for this class of trial is forbidden and can lead to the perpetrator to stand trial in the near future. We can already know that this was indeed a guilty crime by the way your kamera is hidden in your blazer, you clearly understand that you are committing a crime. I look forward to your trial."

Due to the shocking circumstances of the audience members actions, luckily everyone had forgotten about Neuvillette's silence on Tartaglia's case, which lifted a weight off of his shoulders. He let the dramatics carry on for as long as he could, to fully divert the audience's attention. While the odd few would definitely ponder his reasoning for staying silent, the Fontainians craved theatrical performances. So, an unlikely twist of fate and the dramatics of the recent flood meant more to them than a foggy case about a foreigner, a case that didn't make much sense to them.

The Chief Justices Assistant (Neuvillette x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now