Charcoal Baked Ajilenakh Cakes

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If any of you have read the lore, you will probably understand this title <3 for people who haven't and don't have Neuvillette for his story lines or don't want to go searching everywhere, there is some good information on the genshin wiki x

There is not much need for it if you want to read the book though, as most lore is explained anyway.

Neuvillette and Y/N stood tall at the edge of the Romaritime Harbour's balcony, ready to take off. Neuvillette reaches inside of his navy satchel adorned in gold and aqua swirls to take a small ball out.

"There is no need for that! We are already so up high!"

"But won't it help us get upon that cliff?" He says, as he points his index finger towards a small ledge to stand on.

"Pfft, I guess I didn't tell you how these actually work" Y/N gestured to the small viles of cyan liquid in her hand, and leaned in. "These don't do a big flow of wind like the bombs do, but they do have a similar affect to flying through Liyue with the small gusts of upwards winds. It is essentially an Anemo slime essence repurposed? I'm not too sure."

Neuvillette felt his heart rise from how close they were, as her bare skin almost touched his, but kept his calm. "I see. We do not need the bombs for this glide and should save them for later I suppose?" He asked, is a motion and excuse to stand back so he could catch his breath.

He usually wasn't too uncomfortable with people in close proximity, and whenever Y/N shook his hand or touched him in a professional setting like a light brisk of hands when walking side by side or bumping into him when walking through narrow hallways or the odd accidental arm touch when handing files over, he felt indifferent. But somehow not even touching, but her being close to him with a friendly atmosphere made him slightly uncomfortable, in a way he couldn't understand. Not a raging emotion to make him act out of order, but enough to make him completely distracted so he wouldn't hear what Y/N was about to say.

"Correct! We only have about 20, so we want to save them for there and back. You ready to go?" Y/N asked as she turned around to see a dazed Neuvillette, which was a very strange sight, looking at sounding who is always so calm and collected. "Boss? You alright? Something on your mind?"

Y/N waved a hand in front of his face for the second time in a day, confused by how much he was lacking a clear mind. Neuvillette snapped out of his subconscious, facing the woman in front of him who was trying to get his attention.

Neuvillette stammered a little before fixing his voice and taking a quiet deep breath to cool his red face "Sorry Y/N, I must have not had enough sleep despite my extra nap, what was the question?"

"Boss, don't worry about it! I'm sure this cold morning air will wake you right up sir. I was asking, are you ready to fly?"

Neuvillette made a affirmative nod before following Y/N in suit of drinking the wind potion and gesturing towards the ledge to glide off.

It was a smooth start, with both of them already equipped with using wings as Neuvillette had to use them a lot during business trips many years ago, and Y/N using them as a necessity for her work commute. A gust of wind pushed Neuvillette vertically, temporarily a few seconds after departure. It shot a breath out of him, as he didn't expect the wind to essentially from inside him to bring him up. Y/N saw his scrunched up face in frustration because he did not go well with his first potion, and it made her have to hold back from laughing out loud and startling him. He really did look hilarious so concentrated on his gliding...

After a few punches of air that Neuvillette suffered, he grew into the sensation and became accustomed with it towards the end of the short glide to the cliff face.

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