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"How should I put this, it means, we'll I mean roughly, 'Ink Dagger'? Yeah, Chernilny Nozh means Inky or Ink Dagger. Sounds kind of stupid, right? Well to some people who didn't know who I was, they thought that meant I was a murderer. Which I am of course, not."

"Ink dagger? It doesn't sound stupid but I'm not quite getting the relevance of it."

"Uh, well to make tattoos you poke ink into the skin with a needle, like a mini dagger with ink."

"I see. I should have assumed that in the first place. I didn't know much about the processes of tattooing. And the name doesn't sound stupid, I'll be honest it sounds badass, strong and powerful."

Y/N's heart ached at the attention he was giving her. People rarely studied her this closely with her name, its meaning and such. But someone in a professional setting who doesn't need to know about personal matters, is taking so much care towards her personal life.

"It really isn't all that, and it's a very popular ritual in my home area, but not much throughout the entirety of Snezhnaya. Though i generally tattooed people who had lost loved ones, as that was unfortunately common among my people. One day I'll show you how it's done if you would like?"

"That would be wonderful, Y/N."

Y/N and Neuvillette made small talk for another few minutes about how nice the weather was and useless information, to divert from a heavy topic. We seem to be good at handling tough discussions, Y/N thought. And they were, always making sure to keep at each other's pace.

Neuvillette paused at the door of his hotel room to glance up at Y/N in her beautiful attire and had a strange passing thought of wanting to sweetly say goodnight, but couldn't bring himself to do it so intimately, so casually like a... friend.

"Get a good rest, it will be hard to glide back tomorrow with all that uphill work." He said in a chillingly cold tone.

"You too, Neuvillette. Thank you for joining me on this trip." She said in that sickeningly warm tone like cold icing on a steaming set of cinnamon buns.

It was hard to look away, how did she look so perfect after all that travelling, all that work? Why am I thinking like this, I need to get my head out of its lake. He knew that these thoughts were unusual, but he couldn't put his finger on why he was in his head like this.

"What is it, boss? You look like you have seen a ghost, you've gone pale!"

He snapped back into reality at her concern, realising he never replied to her comment. His mind whizzed around looking for an excuse.

"Oh, sorry. I must just be tired. Long day perhaps." He uttered in a fake tired voice while stepping into his hotel room next to Y/N's.

Y/N brushed off the confusing encounter she had, scuffing the shoes on her tires feet while shuffling into her hotel room.

~ ~ ~

The pair made a quick and easy trip back to the Court of Fontaine and decided that the workload of the trip that became heavy on their shoulders the past two days put enough stress on them and they made reservations for staying inside the next day.

"Would you like me to walk you home, Miss? I wouldn't want you to encounter anything that could harm you on your way."

"Should be fine, boss. I've made this trip multiple times. Not a hassle at all."

"I insist. It's much darker than usual for this time at night. I wouldn't want to lose my employee." He urged. He wanted to figure out why he was so infatuated by her. Today, she wore the most casual, unassuming clothing he could think of, and she wasn't acting any different, but she still turned his head towards her more than any woman he knew. He wanted to spend a little extra time with her, as he thought he knew all corners of the world that was at his fingertips, but this was a block in his path.

He crossed out friendship, I'm friends with many people like her, and I don't act this way. He crossed her being extraordinary, as not to minimise her as a person, but he had met people with much more perplexing backstories. And last of all, he crossed out romantic feelings, I don't want any of that, definitely not with her. I don't see that future with her at all.

So, it must be something else, something beyond the realms. Maybe he was capable of different relationships with people because he was technically somewhat a dragon, and not a plain human being. Though he had only known her for a short time, and he was already so stuck on her. Kryptonite in human form.

They continued along the path back to her home. The two walked in silence, as being together for two days straight with no sit-down work led them to make a lot of conversation, and their social batteries were gone.

Recharged, they met with the home that was Y/N's, an aged wooden shack with vine detailed and a neat garden. "Isn't this too cold on the nighttime? Wouldn't you prefer to live in the city? I can set you up in a nice place."

"I can say that this isn't the nicest house, but for me it's still a home. I like the earthy feel to it, it makes me feel alive. The secluded aspect gives me great separation from social and work life to home life. You should try it one day; it clears your mind instead of sitting in your office overnight working."

"Is it really all that marvellous?" Said the Monsieur.


Y/N smiled brightly at the tall man. Her eyes set the hair that brushed against his figure and noticed a small branch tangled in his locks. "Sir, you have a branch in your hair, do you mind if I-"

"Go ahead." He spoke, as he knelt down on the hard wood deck that creaked as he moved. She arched over his head and slowly detangled the branch from his hair, using light fingers and a steady breath.

His heart began to speed up slowly, he hadn't realised how intimate this situation was for him. Two people all alone in the dark with not a single interruption to be heard but the swishing of the water and breeze against the trees. Feeling her hands running though his hair felt nice, but the closeness of hearing her well-paced breathing due to concentration and care and the warmth of her body that casually brushed against his as she worked on his hair had him slightly overwhelmed.

Y/N took a deep breath to conclude her work. "All done boss. Looking shinier than ever!"

"Thank you, Miss. I appreciate the gesture."

"No problem! But I bet I'm holding you up, so this is goodnight from here."

This was his chance to do what he wanted the previous night; he was hungry to see the effect that it had on him. He was always so cold talking to her, but she was so casual. He wanted to be on her level to connect with her in the only way he knew how.

"Good night, Y/N." He said, but in such a warm voice that it felt like a good cup of tea on a snow day. He concluded with a fresh smile that made his eyes seem so welcoming for a moment, a moment that would last in Y/N's memories

She shut the door behind her and leant against it to gather her thoughts.

He's my boss, it can't be that. It doesn't make sense.

He gave me... BUTTERFLIES?

Sorry that it's a short chapter today, and a bad one at best (in my opinion) but I wrote this at 1am💔

I haven't written anything for a WHOLE MONTH because I have been working 40 hour weeks of hard labour to fund my solo Japan trip I'm going on tomorrow! Wish me luck :D

Also the workload of organising a trip and also organising to move away from my parents for university only two days after I come back from Japan is a huge stress to do. I might have picked the worst date to go abroad D: so I have to get EVERYTHING packed up and shipped off before I leave.

But you guys should get a new chapter around 17th of feb? (I'm sorry)

Lots of love 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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