The Calm Before

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Narrator's POV

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Narrator's POV

The gates to the Kindom swing open causing Shay to leap to her feet before her eyes fall on a wagon from Alexandria. With Gabe, Siddiq, Eugene, Rosita, and a few other Alexandrians on board

"Ro!" Shay exclaims as she rushes to Rosita who quickly jumps down from the wagon before opening her arms wide for her best friend

"Corp!" Rosita exclaims with a big smile as Shay crashes into her arms

"I've missed you." Shay tells her as they wrap their arms around one another

"I've missed you. And those sweet boys." Rosita says as they rock side to side in each others arms

"Where are they?" Rosita asks as they release each other and she looks around for the boys

"They're with Daryl. I hope." Shay tells her

"You— you hope? What's that mean, Shay?" Rosita asks her

"Matty, Archer, and Axel snuck out of Hilltop after Wes put them to bed to go after Daryl who was going after Henry. I went to wake them up and they were gone. Ryder told me they had left and then Ryder snuck out after them and I-I-I-I've been a worried mess." Shay rambles out as tears form in her eyes

"Hey, hey. Listen to me." Rosita says as she grips Shay's face in her hands

"Those are Daryl and Shaylee Dixon's boys they are gonna be just fine." Rosita tells her earning a soft nod from Shay

"Hey!" Wes exclaims as he rushes over and hugs Rosita

"Hi!" Rosita says with a warm smile before they release each other

"Tell me something. Something else that I can think about." Shay says causing Rosita's eyes to dart over to Gabe and Siddiq before darting over to Wes

"Okay, there is some serious tea here. Spill, Ro." Shay says with a soft smile

"Might as well." Siddiq tells her as Wes takes a sip of his water

"Um...I'm pregnant." Rosita says with a soft smile causing Wes to spit water everywhere before he begins choking

"Oh, god. Wes!" Shay exclaims with a soft laugh as she pats his back

"Sorry. Sorry, uh. Sorry." Wes coughs out

"Oh, my god. You're pregnant!" Shay exclaims with a big smile before she pulls Rosita in for a quick hug

"Oh, there's more." Siddiq says with a soft laugh

"Is it, uh, who's, um—" Wes stammers out

"Well, there's two options..." Rosita says trailing off

"You or Siddiq." She tells Wes before she looks over at Shay

"Oh, my fucking god." Shay mutters as her mouth falls agape

"And with the world the way it is...we might not ever know..." Rosita says trailing off once again

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