Part 13

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And here phayu and rain in car

Rain = can we go mall i am thinking to buy something

Phayu = sure baby

Phayu and rain reached the mall

Rain hold phayu hand and take him to clothes Section

Rain take a cute scarf and go to phayu

Rain = P'phayu wear this

Phayu =why baby

Rain = i want you to see you in this scarf see this is so cute fluffy

Phayu = okay my love

Phayu wear the scarf and rain looking at him with shiny eyes

Rain thinking ohhhh why he is so handsome and why i am looking at him!!oh i am getting crazy

Phayu wave his hand front of rain,rain come to his senses

Phayu tease rain = i am looking that good that you can't take off your eyes from me baby

Rain = w-what i am not looking at you

Phayu = aww..that means i am not looking good

Rain = no you looking cute!

Phayi smiled and kiss on rain forhead

Rain blushed and said i am buying this then go home

Phayu nodded and Follow his baby

Next morning

Rain and sky sitting on School cafeteria

Rain = sky why p'phayu is so handsome i can't take off my eyes from him

Sky laughed and said my dumb bestie you are in love but you can't understand

Rain blushed and eating his food

Both eating there lunch but suddenly sky cover his mouth with his hand and run to washroom

Rain = sky what happened!!

Rai run behind sky and go to washroom he see sky puking in washroom

Rain rub his back

Sky get up and clean his mouth

Rain = sky! what happened to you suddenly

Sky = i don't know rain from morning i feel like puking

Rain = maybe you are sick let's go to Doctor

Sky = don't worry i already take medicine

Rain = if this is happened again i will take you to Doctor

Sky = okay my bestie!!

After school phayu came to pick up rain

While driving

Phayu = baby you want to go anywhere

Rain = yes i want to go cinema

Phayu = okay

Phayu and rain reached cinema

Phayu = baby what type of movie you want to watch romantic,magical ya comedy

Rain = i want to watch horror!!

Phayu look at him and sais h-horror?

Rain = yes p'phayu i really like horror movie

Phayu = umm okay let's go

Phayu and rain go inside

After sometimes suddenly a ghost came

Phayu screamed and covered his face but rain is enjoying movie very much

Rain = p'phayu see ghost came

Rain see phayu covered his face he go to him put a hand on his shoulder

Phayu get scared and shout

Rain laughing to see him

Rain = p'phayu you are scared pf ghosts

Phayu is so much scared he didn't say anything

Movie is end everyone came outside

Rain = movie is very good i really like it!!

Phayu just silent

They are go in washroom

They are walking suddenly Rain feet slip and he fell on phayu

Both fell on floor and their lips is touched

They kissed!!!

Rain open his eyes and see where he was he get up immediately

Phayu get up too he go toc Towards rain and hold his chin

Rain = P'phayu what are you doing?!?

Phayu shut rain mouth with his rain closed his eyes and phayu start kissing rain passionately

Rain also start kissing phayu rain suddenly rain realise he pushed phayu

Phayu also came to his senses

Phayu = s-sorry baby i didn't mean to....

Rain = let's go home

Phayu nodded and they both go to home

To be continued.....

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