Part 40

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Next day

Rain and james playing with sky baby in sky room his name is kai

James = hey kai i am your uncle james!

Rain = and i am your uncle rain!

Kai giggled to see his cute uncles "aww he is so cute" rain said kiss baby on cheek

Sky came to them and said are you two playing with kai

Rain and james look at him and nodded

Rain = yes! You know kai giggled to see us

James = he love his uncles!!

Sky laughed and said yeah he love his uncles so much

They all smile and start playing with him

After 2months now rain and james both are 9th month pregnant

Rain come in his room and see phayu doing something on his laptop

Rain = oh my god p' legs are hurting....

Phayu see his cute wife standing there,he closed his laptop and go to him and cup his cheeks

Phayu = my baby legs are hurting

Rain nodded and said yes so much carry me na

Phayu carry rain in his arms and take him on bed he make him sit on bed and start massaging his legs

Phayu = do you feel better baby?

Rain said happily "yes it's feels so good! thankyou p'phayu! and p'phayu after delivery we will get married na we didn't get married

Phayu = don't worry baby your papa pete and porsche already planned everything after your delivery me,phai and net we all married to our cute wifes

Rain show his bunny smile and said ye! i am so happy my hubby is best!!

Rain hug him and phayu also hug him and said and my baby is very innocent and adorable i love you baby

Rain = i love you too! You are my first and last my hubby!

After few days rain or james playing in james room and everyone sitting in living room

Rain and playing while suddenly raim grab his tummy and start screaming

" tummy is hurting...ahhh" rain scream,james see and try calm rain

James = rain calm down what happen!!

James try to calming him but his tummy also start hurting

" tummy
also...ahh..hurting...." james scream

Both start crying and screaming loudly

Everyone in living room heard their screams and run to the room and see both laying on bed grabbing their tummy and crying

Phayu and net go them and start calming them

Phayu = what happen baby!!? Calm down!

Rain cried " want to...come out..ahh"

Net = baby don't cry! everything is okay na

James = it's hurting phi....ahh...

Porsche shout "take them to car it's delivery time idiots!"

Phayu and net nodded and carry their wifes in their arms and take them to car

Kinn start driving and here net and phayu try to make rain and james calm

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