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NOTICE! I'm sorry that it took me months to be back again, school keeps bugging me lately. I did say that I might upload new chapters slow like a snail, or turtle whatever. But here you guys go! A chapter that some people are waiting (?)

Miyo POV

I let out a sigh as I sat on the couch, feet close to my chest from anxiety. I know it's not like me to plan a group hangout, well not that they know of, but the point is, I invited Kei, the mysterious ninja! Before I can do something unthinkable, I hear footsteps in the hall. My ear leaning towards the sound as I listened, it was my sister. She and I are so similar that grandma mistakes us with eachother sometimes, just different eye colors.

She was asleep when I got back, so seeing her with her hair out of her usual pig tails and her loosened socks was enough for me to know she had a good rest. "Goodafternoon Sky, how's your sleep?"

She slightly jumped when she heard my voice, and looked at me with a big smile. "Sis! You're back!" She jumped into my arms that was already out for her to get in and squeezed her small figure, she's too cute! "Ofcourse I'll be back, is grandma doing okay?" Sky nodded, "Yeah, and I gave her medicine every 5 hours like you said!" I couldn't contain my grin, she loves grandma like I do, and taking care of her is very heartwarming to me. I ruffled her head as I picked out a candy that she likes to know that she was rewarded for it. "Good job at taking grandma for me, say, what do you want for dinner?"

I sighed in content when I finished my meal. Grandma already went upstairs to rest as my sister watch cartoons in the living room. There was a little time to do something before going to bed, which was washing the dishes before taking my sister upstairs when she was sound asleep on the couch.

The device that i use everyday buzzed beside me, knowing there was something for me to see. After drying my hands, I pressed the button and the message icon was flickering, meaning someone might have texted me. I opened it and saw that the gc that my friends made was online, a smile immediately forming in my face. It's been a while since we talked, just a month ago. I quickly left the kitchen and hurried inside the living room, scooping Sky in my arms and headed to our room upstairs.

I silently turn on my lamp as I re-opened the device, already seeing some of them noticed that I was watching them talk.

🦒: Don't ignore us now Miyo!
you already made us excited when
liu told us it was you who planned
our hang out >:(
🐧: Yeah! No backing up now!
🐱 🖤: Now you guys are just making it look like
she did a crime.
🐯 : I'm trying to sleep guys 😴
🐵💙 : Sorry bud, and since when do you use
🐯 : It just came out when I typed.
🦎❤ : I'm glad you made this time for us Miyo!
i'm really excited to see ya'll faces :)

I don't want to tell them it was an accident, or else something bad will happen to our friendship. I too is excited to see them, even though we have some changes physically, but that doesn't mean we will act so different with eachother. I tapped my thumbs on my keyboard with a smile, this is no more an accident.

Sorry for not telling you guys sooner,
i'm still too shy to say it directly,
like always. ^^"; :

🐱🖤 : It's good to know our little agent is still
the miyo we all know in the beginning ♡.
🦒 : Why did you do it all of the sudden tho?
Not that I'm complaining.
🐯 : We all know the reason, duh.
🦒 : Don't you dare sass to me! I'm the king here!
🐯 : I don't give a simple fu-

🦎 deleted a message

🦎 : Even though we're adults now, I don't
think cursing will calm us down kuga..
🐯 : Right, sorry 'bout that.
🦒: Did I just witness our Bar Tribe friend
🐧 : You're really asking for a death wish

Tonight was interesting indeed. I gave them a goodnight when I felt my eyelids drooping. I undid my hair and turn off my lamp, laying down underneath my blanket. Although there was still bugging me, like I forgot something like-Kei! Right, I was about to talk to him about the hang-out thing. I grabbed my phone from the side table got surprised by the brightness, making me squint my eyes.

Soon I messaged him, though I think he's busy right now. Ever since I met him, he has this routine he does every night at the agency, and he didn't say what it was. I still texted him, and went back to sleep.

3rd POV

Once morning comes, the group of friends chatted their mornings with eachother before seeing them in a few hours. Everyone was thrilled and expect to have a happy bonding, but a certain mong has been getting nervous about it. He's been looking at his phone since he woke up, a blush creeping up to his face.

🐱 : Hey Kei, just want you to know that the group
is very excited to meet you. We'll be meeting up in
the entrance of the city, tomorrow 10 o'clock am.
Hope to see you soon! >^^< ♡

"Ooh, what's got you blushing bro?" Zai peeked through from behind and Gai immediately pushed his head away, "Don't use your sneak attacks on me Zai."

Miyo did really changed, Gai thought. He can't help but smile goofingly as he sighed, holding his phone to his chest as he leaned on the couch. His three brothers were snickering near the hallway, imitating him and Miyo in a more cliché way, and Gai heard it. He threw a pillow at them, that was enough to make them go away. He tapped away to his phone, giggling like a school girl before getting up to get ready.

🐵 : Can't wait to see you too Miyo :)

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