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No one's POV

Everyone has the biggest smile on their faces, which they knew why. They can't help it, ever since Pala gave them the amazing news, they can't stop buzzing on their chairs in excitement.

Gai will be available soon, to talk to them, explain what the heck happened and most of all, enjoying his presence inside the room.

They were currently having a snack since none of them felt like eating at their depressing moment earlier, though they moved it towards their back of their heads and focused on the present. Rema was drinking her cola when she noticed Miyo rubbing the sides of her cup, a small smile pasted on her face.

She chuckled before nudging her to the side, instantly knocking out of her daydream and looked at her. "Someone's happy. Wonder why.."

Miyo giggled, "We're meeting Gai soon, aren't you happy too?"

Rema shook her head, she has no idea..

"Yeah yeah, I do. Though I might need to apologize to him when we were under control of Charming Gold, I hurt him a lot."

They pink agent shook her head, "You don't need to worry about that. It's in the past, and I know Gai already forgave you when he became Ninja Kei." Rema sighed, even though he will forgive her, she still hurt him and Miyo, who she remembered trying so hard to snap Gai out of the spell by breaking the mask, and got thrown alot.

"I guess.. though I still think that you guys will get along just fine~" She grinned when the pink cat almost exploded with how red her face was, fidgeting her dainty fingers on the cup once more.

"Guys!" A familiar voice reached to their ears, looking up, they saw the twin brothers panting as a panic look was on their faces. "Is he okay?" "Do you guys know where room he is?" "He's not gonna die is he?"

Poor mongs, they were so stressed that they ignored the cooing noise that Liu made to calm them down. Liu waved his hands and got their attention, "He's fine now, don't worry. Just calm down guys."

They followed his instructions, and the group gave them exact amount of chairs to sit on as they talk. "So, what did you all felt when knowing who he is under the mask?" Zai attempts to act all older brotherly as his brothers avoids the stares the group has been giving to them, which was a little unsettling.

Spin was first to lift his hand up and started listing things, "Anger, confusion, relief, irritation, frustration, but all of it are just happiness." and finished with a smile.

A small silence later, Liu cleared his throat. "Which he means, we have all experienced mixed feelings at that time, and we're just glad that knowing your brother is safe and sound." Popo muttered, "Not until he was crushed by Scar's hands."

Ignoring his remarks, they faced the brothers again and gave them the good news that they received earlier. They saw how bright the brothers went after hearing it all, which caused them to lead their attention to Miyo, who blushed at the sudden change of interest and started telling her the things he did when he was still a teenager.

Everyone laughed at their stories, her included. She never knew Gai attempted to buy her an accessory that took all of his bank from playing for a while, and said he will give them to her once the right time has come.

She was curious, sure, but she felt like a teenager again, the things she never felt and experienced back then started blooming inside her when hearing those stories. She was cold towards the group sometimes, but all the helping eachother and keeping the group tied until the end, that's where she learned that past will stay in the past, and focus into the future.

It's been a few hours since they ate, and now they were waiting for Pala's news outside the doctor's office. Once a otter walked out of the room, the group immediately moved inside and saw Pala on his desk, waving at them with a smile.

"How are you doing Pala?" Spin said as he took a seat near his desk, his other leg over the other. Pala laughed whole heartedly, "Everything's good until now, I see you guys still protecting the world, and some are sticking to their roots since the beginning."

All of them nodded, then talked about how their lives went. Kuga had started a school to teach them how to fight when he was young, Makhan being the manager helps too.

Spin owns a bar back at their tribe, which Rema and Shaun visited most of their free time. Kuku recommended that they should visit his family's Cafe not too far away from here, which everyone including Pala, will go later this evening.

A nurse opened the door, alarming the group and looked at the sheep. "Patient 018 is awake, doc." Pala smiled and stood up from his chair, "Alright, I'll be there in a second." and the nurse left the room.

"Who's the patient?" Miyo asked. The impa turned his head towards her, "That would be Gai." making everyone immediately stood up to their feet, following him out of his office and towards the room.

It would be a lie if all of them aren't feeling a little nervous right now, but still has the feeling of excitement running through their veins.

Pala opened the door, their gazes slowly flickering between the room and the door. They gasped when they saw Gai, sitting on his bed as he stared at the door in confusion, before smiling brightly when he saw his friends.

The group was crying at the wholesome sight, with Miyo awestruck at his now grown face. His face had shrink slightly, his brown eyes sparkling, his crooked grin showing off, and his left brow has an old scar that sharped his features. She was blushing hard, as the group gave him a hug without hurting him, earning slight chuckles from him.

His eyes traveled to her, making her heart beat faster than before. He has his jaw dropped, before smiling gently at her.

"You still look beautiful as ever, Miyo."

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