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Six placed her hand on the sink, leaning against it on order to keep herself up. She felt dizzy and sick to her stomach.

Looking at the pregnancy test at the bottom of the sink, she felt her stomach do a 360° turn and she immediately dropped to her knees in front of the toilet, throwing up.

Could it be possible? But how? Doctors told her she was infertile. She must've visited at least five or six of them, getting the same answer each and every time, telling her it was less than a four percent chance to fall pregnant.

Although sad, they accepted it. being 25. both she and Mono really wanted to have children. Especially her husband.

Meeting at the age of 16, they had started hanging out and becoming best friend, later on, they discovered having a lot of common and feelings had been shared. Not much after that, they had officially gotta together and barely two years later, they decided to get married.

A year or two into marriage, they had tried and tried and tried to get her pregnant. But it never worked. Deciding to go to doctors to see the cause, the answer coming back had been negative.

Hoping the doctor was wrong. They visited multiple in hopes of getting help but nothing had worked.

They had left with heavy hearts and minds set on a future without a kids. which was great to but they wanted the extra spurt a small human being could bring into one life.

A knocked echoed in the bathroom, Six looked up. exhausted. grabbing the positive pregnancy test from the sink. She slipped it into the pocket of her hoodie.

"Come in" She said.

The door opened and Mono went inside with a frowned and walk near to his wife holding her shoulder to rub.

"What's wrong?" He asked. he saw how sick she is.

"I don't know..." Six replied. Lying. She knew fully dumb well why she was throwing up but she didn't want to tell him and give him a false hopes.

"Maybe you ate something that didn't agree with your digestion.?" He asked, pushing some pieces of her hair behind of her ears.

"Maybe" She just said.

She really needed to call her Gynecologist for an emergency check up.

Closing the door to her Gynecologist office, she left with a doubtful smile on her lips. slowly walking to the parking lot to her car. She hopped and paused for a second.

"I'm pregnant." She told herself in her rear-view mirror. "I'm pregnant" She repeatedly said in disbelief.

Starting her car, she pulled out of the parking lot and driving back home.

All the doctors had told them she was infertile and there is a very small chance one could get a pregnant on but, it was rare. Gods. they had told them they'd never get a full family.

Never have a kids.

At the deep thinking, she snapped out from her thoughts, realizing she had lingered a little at a green light and waved to the driver behind he, giving him an apology.

Mono will be happy, he had doubted and blame himself for them not getting pregnant. Thinking he was sterile, testing himself, that had turned out to be wrong and he was fully working, as healthy as ever.

She had been devastated when they had gotten the news that she was infertile. Like. Every single part of their life that they had build up for kids had crumbled around them.

The pre-made nursery room in the house had it door locked, showing something they lost even though they never had it.

When she got home. She parked her car next to his and got out shakily. locking the car and stepping into the house. She was met with the warm smell of Mono's cooking

He was secretly a master chef but barely anyone knew that.

"I'm home!" She said, hanging her keys up on the a holder in the hall.

"Hey, how'd it go? any changes?" Mono asked her. seeing her lean against the door frame.

"I guess you could say that..." Six said. trailed off.

Mono put aside his work, just finished up and wiping his hands. "What do you mean?, bad changes?" He asked again and walked over to her. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes questionably looking at her for answer.

"No, Good ones"

He eyed her. "What do you mean?" He asked getting more confused at what she meant.

Six pulled out a folded paper from her bag, she handed it to him.

"What's this?" He ask, taking it and unfolded it to read.

"Test from the Gynecologist."

Mono look at her for a second before he start to read it. It was messy and his eyes flew all over the place to the point of letters flowing together.

Six shook her head with a chuckled and walked up to him, she pointed to the outer middle of the paper, showing him. the most important result.

Mono look at it before he went still, his hands slightly trembling. "Y-you're?"

"I'm pregnant, it's there and it's 99% healthy." She said, growing a smile on her face. Mono put the paper down and swiftly pulled her in, hugging her so hard, she thought her back might break.

"You're pregnant! We're having a kids!" Mono exclaimed as he pulled away. bouncing all over the kitchen and living room.

He stopped and turned around.

"Are you really sure you're pregnant? This isn't April fool's right? What's the date right now?" Mono asked looking around to find their calendar.

Six laughed at her husband. "May 2nd, you dummy, I'm not kidding. I'm really pregnant." She reassured him.

Mono jumped up, pumping his fist into the air. "Yes!!" He happily exclaim before grabbing her again and swirling around.

"I love you! I love you so much!" He said before putting her down and hugging her, Six laughed airy into his shoulder.

"We're having a baby" She slowly said. slowly tearing up from the happiness they've got. he nodded on her. they both having a tears in their eyes for the news that they wanted for so long to come true.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now