South Disney Parks: Kyle Dreamlovski and Ikement - The Dreamport

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Welcome to the Dreamport, where all things of imagination are held. You can find everything in the Dreamport, sounds, colors, ideas, anything that sparks the imagination! Why, you can even find figments of-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A scream comes from an orange haired teenager and a Canadian dragon.

"Ikement! Why'd you have to piss off that bull figment? You knew we'd get chased!" Kyle, the orange haired teen, yells to the Canadian dragon.

"I don't know, I thought it'd be funny! I didn't think he'd actually chase us! Can't you imagine us a way out of here Mr. Imagination is a way of life!" Ikement, the Canadian dragon, yells back at Kyle.

Kyle stops. "Oh yeah." He closes his eyes and a hole appears below the two. Falling through lands them in a different part of the Dreamport. "I keep forgetting I can do that." He looks around to figure out where they are.

"Exactly! What would you do without me? So. Since I saved us. I'm off the hook right? Right?" Ikement swings his tail infront of him and holds onto it.

Kyle swings his head around to face Ikement, glaring. "Oh no! You are not getting off the hook that easy! I just have to figure out where we are and then I'll deal with you." He continues to look around at their surroundings. "Alright. I think we're near the symphony zone, but which side." Kyle mumbles on to himself, still trying to figure out where they are.

Ikement floats away from Kyle, wandering around the area. He's avoiding getting in trouble, but also watching out for-

"BULL!" Ikement yells as the imagination creature comes barreling after the two.

Kyle floats over to Ikement and grabs him. After thinking for a second he throws Ikement to the side, imagining a red cape in his hands and a matador costume. Kyle yells "Olé! Olé!" As he distracts the bull away from the dragon.

Ikement covers his eyes as the bull reaches Kyle. He uncovers his eyes to see the bull in a cage and Kyle standing next to it.

Kyle sighs and looks at the bull. "Once you calm down the cage will disappear, but until then." Kyle covers the cage in a sheet. "Now Ikement." He looks over to the dragon.

"Heh heh. What time is it? Is that someone calling me? I'm just gonna." Ikement starts to float off, but Kyle grabs him.

"Ike! You can't go around pissing off other Figments! You know I can't heal figment on figment injuries! What if I got hurt huh? You can't heal me with imagination powers!" He grabs Ikement by the horn and floats toward the symphony zone. "Maybe we can find some help over here."

The symphony zone is a place where all musical ideas and creation live, music notes, instruments, songs already made, all of it was grouped together there. Needless to say, it's a very loud area of the Dreamport.

"Howdyyyy Ho!" A familiar cry comes from behind a drum playing a rocking beat.

Kyle looks over to the drum. "Mr. Hankey! Oh thank god! Do you know where we are? Ikement, got us chased by a bull figment and now we're kind of lost."

Mr. Hankey laughs. "Well you're in the symphony zone of course!"

Kyle smirks, then shakes his head. "I get that much, I just don't know where in the symphony zone we are."

Mr. Hankey looked around. "Well you're in the middle of the symphony zone!" He looks around. "Well where are ya heading?"

Kyle sighs. "I'm not sure, probably should head back to the balloon." It gets quiet. "I just don't remember where it is."

Ikement looks at Kyle and rolls his eyes. "Ugh! I told you! Use your imagination!"

Kyle looks over at Ikement. "I WOULD if it would be the ACTUAL BALLOON! Imagination creates copies and new things, it wouldn't be our balloon!"

Mr. Hankey pipes up. "Use your imagination to make a trail back to it! If you don't want to make a new balloon, make a way back to your original one!"

Kyle face palms. "God, why is everyone more imaginative than me today?" He mumbles that part. "Alright! Let's do this!" Kyle closes his eyes and a bright green light trail forms in front of him. "Hopefully this works. Alright, come on Ike! Let's go." He grabs Ike's hand and starts following the trail.

Ikement resists Kyle's pull. "Nooooo! If we go back you're gonna put me in time out and I don't wanna go to time out!" He pulls against Kyle.

Kyle loosens his tight stance and looks at Ikement. "C'mon bro, it's so you can learn your lesson. If you didn't set off that bull figment we wouldn't be lost and you wouldn't be in trouble. Besides, time out's not that bad."

Ikement crosses his arms and pouts. "You've never been in time out, how would you know?" He grumbles.

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Ike! This isn't the time! If we don't follow the trail it's going to fade and then we'll be lost again, because that took a lot of imagination power and it's going to take time to rebuild that energy!" He grabs Ikement's arm again.

Ikement lets Kyle drag him along, but is clearly unhappy about it. "Uhm, Kyle. Do you know how long this is going to take?" He looks at the vast musical land around him, it looked endless.

Kyle looks at the light in front of him. "I dunno Ikement, looks like it's going to be a while." He looks at Ikement then holds him. "Your wings getting tired? I can carry you for a bit if you want." He floats forward a bit then paused. "This doesn't mean your out of trouble though dude, you got that?"

Ikement nods and looks around. "Thank you Kyle!" The little Canadian dragon hugs his brother. "How'd you know my wings were tired? ARE YOU PSYCHIC?"

Kyle chuckles and continues to follow the line in front of him. "No, you were just slowing down a lot." He looks around a bit as he continues along. "Man, this place is getting really crowded. Maybe I should expand the border a bit, and maybe I should expand everything a bit more."

Ikement looks at Kyle excited, but before he can say anything Kyle speaks. "No Ike, you're not getting an imagination corner. We never stay in the Dreamport long enough, you know this. Besides, you have your own room at home base."

Ike groans. "But Kyle! My room's so boring! If I had an imagination corner I could change it to whatever I want whenever I want! Imagine that! That'd be so cool! I could have a dragon den one day, then a mansion the next! Or I could make it a GIANT ME!" He giggles and leans back into Kyle's arms.

Kyle sighs with a smile on his face. "Ike, if you get your own imagination corner you're never going to leave the Dreamport, you'd just be there causing problems!" He says sort of jokingly.

"Maybe staying in the Dreamport wouldn't be so bad." Ikement says quietly, crossing his arms.

Kyle stops and holds Ikement up, grabbing under his arms. "Ikement, I've told you why I can't stay in the Dreamport, and you know I can't trust you to stay here by yourself." He looks at the little dragon who's face said it all, he was incredibly upset. "Look, maybe after this next flight of fancy, we can stay in the Dreamport for a few weeks."

Kyle barely got the sentence out when Ikement leaps onto him to hug him. Kyle smiles and continues to follow the trail his imagination left for him.

South Disney Parks 1: Kyle Dreamlovski and IkementWhere stories live. Discover now