chapter 10

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Babe and Charlie, now confronted with the public disclosure of Babe's Omega status and the pregnancy, find themselves entangled in a web of uncertainty. As they grapple with the aftermath, a pressing question looms - who leaked this information?

Aware that only their trusted team members were privy to the details, suspicions arise. Babe's gaze narrows, contemplating the possibility of a spy within their inner circle. "Someone from the team must have leaked it. But why? And to whom?" he wonders aloud, a mix of frustration and confusion in his voice.

Charlie, equally perplexed, ponders the motives behind such a breach of trust. "Tony knows about your Omega status, and we only shared the pregnancy with the team. There's a leak somewhere, and we need to find out who's behind it," he suggests, his mind racing to unravel the mystery.

As Babe grapples with the uncertainty of whom to trust, Charlie's phone interrupts the tense silence. Alan's name flashes on the screen, and Charlie answers, a subtle tension in his voice. Alan, straight to the point, inquires about Babe's well-being, genuine concern evident in his tone.

Reassuring Alan that Babe is holding up, Charlie senses a shared unease between them. As they delve into the mysterious leak, Alan echoes his suspicions. "It's unsettling. We're the only ones who knew about the pregnancy right? Then it must be one of us who leaked the news," he admits, his worry mirroring Charlie's own.

Recognizing the need for a united front, Charlie proposes a face-to-face meeting. "Alan, come over to our place. We need to discuss this in person, figure out who we can trust," Charlie suggests, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.


The doorbell rings, and Charlie opens the door to welcome Alan into their home. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of determination and tension as they gather in the living room.

"Thanks for coming, Alan," Charlie says, a firm handshake sealing their commitment to addressing the issue at hand. Alan nods, his gaze shifting between Babe and Charlie, his concern evident.

Babe, sitting on the edge of the couch, looks up as Alan enters. "We're in a mess, Alan. I don't know who we can trust anymore," he admits, a note of frustration in his voice.

Alan, taking a seat, leans forward. "I share your concern, Babe. We need to get to the bottom of this." he asserts, a steely resolve in his eyes.

As they delve into the discussion, theories and suspicions circulate, each word weighed with the gravity of the situation.

With a collective understanding of the delicate situation at hand, Babe, Charlie, and Alan agree to maintain a facade of normalcy to catch the spy off guard. Babe, having already taken a break from work, embraces the opportunity to focus on the investigation with Charlie by his side.

In a strategic move, Charlie suggests involving his best friend, Jeff, who happens to make a good detective though he's not really one himself. "Just post a job vacancy, and I'll have Jeff apply. I'll communicate everything to him in advance, so you can hire him right away," Babe proposes, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes.

Babe, keeping the conversation on track, turns to Alan and inquires about Way's whereabouts. Alan responds with a wry smile, "He's likely at home nursing a hangover. Went all-in on the drinks last night like there was no tomorrow."

Choosing not to delve into the details of Way's heavy drinking, Babe refocuses on the ongoing discussion. Alan, multitasking, mentions that he's already taken the step of posting the job vacancy as part of their plan to bring Jeff into the investigation.

As they finalize the details with Jeff, Charlie looks ahead, saying, "I'm counting on Jeff to show up at the garage tomorrow, so be prepared." Babe, feeling the weight of the situation, lets out a sigh and leans back, contemplating the unknown motives behind the spy's actions. Alan, undeterred by the challenge, exclaims with an energetic tone, "Let's find out!" as he channels his determination into the upcoming investigation.

After Alan excuses himself, Charlie encourages Babe to take a momentary break from the intense discussion. Trying to shift the focus, he brings up the topic of Babe's next check-up. "Is it okay if we can see the baby on your next check up?" Charlie asks, observing Babe's reaction. The mention of the baby prompts Babe to reveal, "Actually... I have the sonogram that I've never looked at."

Charlie, taken aback by the revelation, expresses his joy, "Really? Can I see them?" Babe, feeling a mixture of hesitation and curiosity, admits, "I don't know where I put it." Charlie being able to read babe's thoughts can tell that Babe is still contemplating if he's ready to see them or not.

Acknowledging the sensitivity of the matter, Charlie reassures Babe, "Whenever you're ready, we can look at them together." Babe turns to him with a smile and surprises Charlie by saying, "I want to see them." Stunned but supportive, Charlie asks, "Are you sure?" Babe nods, placing his hand over his belly, expressing, "I want to see them so that I can gather strength to fight for them." Overwhelmed by Babe's determination, Charlie pulls him into a warm embrace.

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