Chapter 22

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One week later after Way revealed Tony's malicious plan, Charlie and Babe were in the comfort of their bed after a long and stressful day. Earlier in the morning, Babe had a slip in the shower. Despite assuring Charlie that everything was fine and there was no need for a hospital visit, Charlie insisted on taking him to the hospital for a checkup.

After receiving the doctor's confirmation that everything was okay and the baby was unharmed, they left the hospital. On their way home, Babe spotted a baby shop and asked Charlie to make a quick stop. They playfully browsed through the clothes section, engaging in a light-hearted debate about colors.

"Babe, girls usually wear pink," Charlie suggested, gently taking back a little dress Babe was holding.

"Why should girls be limited to pink?" Babe countered.

"Well, most of them prefe..."

"Yeah, most of them. Mine is an exception." Charlie relented, letting Babe choose the colors he preferred-various shades of purple and blue.

As they continued shopping, Charlie jokingly commented, "Shouldn't you buy one of each? Why two?" Babe gave him a playful look, and Charlie surrendered, "Okay, Mama knows best."

They focused on clothes during this shopping trip, deciding to handle other baby necessities in later stages. On the drive home, Babe couldn't help but admire the tiny clothes he had chosen.

"Look, Charlie, this one is so cute," he exclaimed, holding up a light blue onesie.

"Yeah, it is. Incredibly cute," Charlie responded, a smile playing on his lips as his eyes remained on the road. These moments of shared joy were the ones Charlie cherished, but the current situation cast a shadow over their happiness. Determined to ensure a safe future for their child, Charlie vowed to put an end to Tony's schemes before the baby's arrival so that they can live without fear of anything .

The couple spent the evening preparing a simple dinner together, the aroma of home-cooked food filling their cozy kitchen. Charlie, the protective partner, made sure Babe was comfortable and relaxed after their eventful day.

During dinner, Babe brought up the topic of baby names, sparking excitement in his eyes. "Have you thought about what we should name the baby?" he asked Charlie.

Charlie considered for a moment before suggesting, "How about Bailey? It's a beautiful name."

Babe smiled, considering the suggestion. "Bailey... I like it. Bailey it is, then. Wait, I see what you did there."

"And what if it was a boy?" Babe asked again.

"If it was a boy then....Billy," Charlie joked.

"It's cute too," Babe nodded with a smile.

Later that night, as they lay in bed, Charlie softly spoke. "Babe, do you think we should move to a bigger house, you know, one that's more kid-friendly?"

"Now?" Babe asked.

"When do you think is the perfect time?" Charlie responded. After some thought, Babe looked at Charlie and answered.

"I think we should deal with the Tony matter first. So we won't have to worry about Tony being after us." Charlie agreed to that suggestion, pulled him closer, and kissed his forehead, whispering a soft goodnight before they both drifted to sleep.

In Babe and Charlie's living room, Alan, Jeff, Pete, and Way gathered. Charlie had called them in to discuss the way forward regarding Tony's matter. Determined to put an end to his schemes, they devised a plan. The idea was for Way to surrender to Tony, he would then tell tony that Charlie has Babe's powers. While in Tony's custody, Charlie would gather evidence by manipulating Tony speak of his actions as he secretly recorded. Jeff would use his powers to foresee potential threats.

"I'll go with Way," Pete volunteered.

"Did I mention how many guards that man has? It's better to go alone because they know me," Way pointed out.

"I can wait outside and be ready for your return," Pete suggested.

"Knowing Tony, I doubt he'll let go easily," Way expressed dejection.

"I can sneak in; it's not that hard," Pete countered.

"Pete?" Way called.

"What? I don't want something to happen to you. We haven't even started yet," Pete said, reaching for Way's hand.

"Started what?" Their conversation was interrupted when Babe inquired. The two looked at each other, and Pete turned to Babe to answer.

"Well, Way and I decided to give this a try and see where it leads us."

"You mean date," Alan chimed in, and Pete nodded. The room's occupants exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by the unexpected revelation.

"Congratulations," Jeff said, although it sounded more like a question.

Setting their personal matters aside, the group refocused on the task at hand.

"Pete, I think it's best if we let Way go alone because if you go, they might suspect something ," Charlie advised. Pete reluctantly agreed. As they concluded their discussion, they decided that Jeff should stay at home with Babe to keep watch.

"Jeff, can I talk to you for a minute?" Babe called as the rest of them were lost in some debate.

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