chapter 11

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Alan observes Jeff, his expectations colliding with the reality of the man standing before him. In his mind, he envisioned a heavy-bodied figure with muscles, ready to seamlessly blend into the mechanic crew. However, the Jeff he sees is a surprise - a man of twenty years, appearing quiet and reserved, with an air of antisocial demeanor.

Blinking in surprise, Alan recalibrates his expectations, realizing that Jeff's strength might lie in qualities beyond physical appearance.

As they walk through the mechanics' space, Alan tries to break the ice with Jeff, "So, Jeff, what do you think of our setup here? Impressive, right?" He glances at Jeff, who responds with a nonchalant shrug.

"Yeah, it's fine," Jeff replies, his tone monotone, leaving Alan with a sense of uncertainty. Undeterred, Alan continues, "We've got some top-notch equipment. Have you worked with machines like these before?"

Jeff, seemingly uninterested, mutters, "Yeah, similar stuff." The lack of enthusiasm in Jeff's responses leaves Alan momentarily hanging, struggling to find a connection. Determined to make the best of the situation, Alan pushes forward, "You know, we're like a family here. Everyone chips in, and we share a passion for racing. "

Jeff glances around, his eyes briefly meeting Alan's, "Okay. So when do I start"

Taken aback, Alan adjusts to the change in direction, "Oh, right. You can start right away." Jeff gives a brief nod.

"Everyone, this is Jeff. He's joining us as a mechanic," Alan announces, attempting to infuse warmth into the introduction.

However, Jeff maintains the same indifferent look on his face, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the air. The crew, accustomed to a more lively and engaging atmosphere, exchanges uncertain glances. Alan, trying to alleviate the discomfort, adds, "Jeff, meet the team. They're a great bunch, and we work closely together."

Despite Alan's efforts, Jeff's disinterested demeanor permeates the room, making the introductions feel strained. As the crew exchanges hesitant greetings, the mechanics' space carries an unfamiliar tension, leaving everyone to grapple with the mystery of Jeff's unresponsive presence.

Way pulls Alan aside, a furrow forming on his brow as he questions, "I don't think we're short on staff, so why did you hire him?" Alan, sensing Way's concern, leans in to explain, "He's just an intern, here for a short time. We could use an extra set of hands. Plus, he's got some skills."

They both glance at Jeff, who seems deeply engrossed in tuning a car independently, his focus unwavering as he works alone without seeking assistance from the rest of the crew. Way, though not entirely convinced, doesn't press the matter further. Instead, he changes the topic, "Well, just make sure he doesn't mess things up. We've got a system here."

Alan nods in agreement, "Don't worry, Way. I'll keep an eye on him."

"I'll be leaving early today. I want to go check on Babe," Way announces, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow. Alan, understanding the gravity of the situation, can't help but sigh. "I hope he's doing alright," Alan adds, his gaze shifting to the side, contemplating the challenges that have surfaced since the news about Babe became public.

People , fueled by the insatiable curiosity of the online world, have relentlessly focused their attention on the racing family. The news, like wildfire, has spread across social media, and everyone seems to have an opinion. Questions, speculations, and sometimes intrusive demands for more information flood their digital space.

"The netizens have really been on our necks since the news was released. They want to know if what was said was true," Alan remarks, acknowledging the intense scrutiny the racing family is under. The pressure to address the public's curiosity while simultaneously protecting the personal aspects of Babe and Charlie's life becomes a delicate balancing act.

Way makes his way to Babe's house, and as he knocks, Charlie opens the door. Their eyes meet, and without a word, Way inquires if Babe is home. Charlie, with a nod, silently invites Way inside. The door opens to reveal Babe, and Way, without hesitation, steps in, embracing him in a tight hug.

"How's it going?" Way asks, genuine concern etched on his face. Babe, appreciating the support, replies that he's been managing just fine. As they settle into the living room, Charlie takes the initiative, fetching a glass of water for Way, ensuring everyone feels comfortable.

In the midst of their conversation, Way provides updates to Babe on recent events in the garage, casually mentioning, "Oh, Alan hired a new mechanic, by the way." Babe and Charlie exchange a glance, a silent acknowledgment that they are aware, Way probes, "Do you already know about this?" Babe quickly denies "So, how is he? Is he skilled?"

"Well, yeah, he's got the skills, but he's too reserved and quiet. Doesn't let anyone get too close," Way elaborates. A smirk forms on his face as he adds, "You know, he even snobs Alan when he talks to him." This revelation prompts laughter from Babe and Charlie, picturing the potential challenges Alan may face dealing with the enigmatic newcomer.

"Alan is going to have a hard time with that one," Babe remarks, their laughter echoing in the room as they envision the dynamics unfolding in the garage with the arrival of the reserved and elusive Jeff.

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