chapter 27

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In the final trimester, Babe's journey becomes increasingly challenging, prompting him to approach each action with caution and Charlie by his side as a constant companion. Charlie, fully committed to Babe's well-being and the safety of their unborn children, never leaves Babe's side, serving as his steadfast protector.

Their days are often spent together, watching the gentle movements of the babies in Babe's womb, playing a guessing game to identify which baby is kicking. Charlie also takes Babe for short walks to ensure adequate circulation and light exercise.

During their walks, Charlie couldn't resist teasing Babe about his exaggerated waddle, often imitating it with exaggerated movements of his own. Babe would roll his eyes with a fond smile, playfully swatting at Charlie's arm as they continued their stroll.

With affectionate banter, Charlie calls out to Babe with a playful "Mama~" when he's lost in thought, earning a teasing "Pa~" in response. Each morning, Charlie begins their day with a tender kiss on Babe's bump, followed by preparing breakfast and assisting Babe with his morning routine.

Their bond grows stronger with each passing day as they eagerly anticipate the arrival of their twins.

"Look, Charlie, I think it's Bailey this time," Babe says, his hand resting on his bump as they watch the subtle movements.

"You think so? I bet it's Billy trying to show off," Charlie teases, gently placing his hand next to Babe's.

"Mama~" Charlie calls out, snapping a candid photo of Babe's contemplative expression.

"Pa~" Babe responds with a chuckle, turning to face Charlie with a playful glint in his eyes.

As the due date loomed closer, Babe's anticipation mingled with anxiety, creating a tumultuous storm of emotions within him. The thought of labor and the pain associated with childbirth sent shivers down his spine, overshadowing the excitement of meeting their long-awaited babies.

Charlie, ever perceptive of Babe's feelings, noticed the subtle shifts in his demeanor. With each passing day, he observed Babe's unease growing, his normally radiant smile fading into moments of quiet contemplation. Determined to alleviate his partner's fears, Charlie made it his mission to be Babe's unwavering source of support and comfort.

"Hey, love," Charlie murmured one evening, drawing Babe into a warm embrace. "I can sense you're feeling a bit anxious. It's okay to feel scared, but remember, we're in this together."

Babe leaned into Charlie's embrace, finding peace in the warmth of his arms. "I know, it's just... the thought of labor, it's frightening," he confessed, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Charlie pressed a soft kiss to Babe's forehead, his heart brimming with love and empathy. "I understand, love. But you're stronger than you realize. You've faced challenges before, and you've emerged victorious every time. This will be no different."

With gentle reassurance and unwavering support, Charlie guided Babe through moments of doubt and fear, reminding him of his resilience and inner strength.

Despite being accustomed to pain, Babe's extensive research on labor and childbirth filled him with an unexpected fear. The thought of enduring such intense pain and the possibility of harm befalling their babies haunted him deeply. However, Charlie's unwavering support and comforting presence served as a beacon of strength, urging Babe to remain resilient for the sake of their growing family.


"Charlie, help me grab my phone," Babe called out to Charlie, indicating that it was out of his reach. Without hesitation, Charlie handed him the ringing device.

"It's Jeff," Charlie informed him as he passed the phone over. Babe swiftly answered the call.

"Hello, hi Jeff, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm fine too. So, what's up?"

"Babe, guess what?" Jeff's voice was filled with excitement, and Babe glanced at Charlie, who was equally curious about the conversation.

"What?" Babe asked, appreciating the bond that had grown between them after opening up.

"I passed my exams! I'll be graduating soon." Jeff's enthusiasm was palpable, and Babe shared in his joy.

"Oh my god, congratulations, Jeff! I'm so happy for you," Babe exclaimed, beaming.

"Congratulations, Jeff," Charlie chimed in, offering his congratulations after babe put the phone in speaker.

"Thank you," Jeff replied, his smile evident even through the phone.

"So, when is the graduation?" Charlie inquired, joining in on the conversation.

"In a m-"

"Babe, are you okay?" Charlie interrupted, noticing the frown on Babe's face and his hand on his bump.

Babe's expression shifted, a mixture of discomfort and concern crossing his features as he paused to collect himself. Charlie's attention was fully focused on him, waiting for an explanation.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... a little twinge," Babe finally replied, offering a reassuring smile to Charlie.

"Is it the babies?" Charlie's voice was laced with worry as he placed a comforting hand on Babe's shoulder.

Babe shook his head slightly. "No, no, they're fine. It's just...I think it's Braxton Hicks contractions. They're supposed to be normal at this stage, right?"

Charlie nodded, relieved that it wasn't something more serious. "Yeah, they are. But if you're feeling uncomfortable, we should call the doctor just to be safe."

Babe nodded in agreement, grateful for Charlie's concern.

"Jeff, sorry we'll call you back." He said before hanging up and dialing the doctor's number, and after a brief explanation, they were advised to monitor the contractions and contact the hospital if they became more frequent or intense.

The contractions persisted, growing more intense with each passing moment. Babe's initial hopes that they were merely Braxton Hicks contractions faded as the pain became undeniable. Charlie remained by his side, offering words of encouragement and support as they prepared to face the reality of Babe going into labor earlier than expected.

With a sense of urgency, they gathered their hospital bags and made their way to the car. Charlie drove as carefully and quickly as he could, navigating through the streets with precision despite the rising tension in the air.

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