In the Field That Night

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“Imagine having to be in those crowded inns.” I shuddered as I rubbed my hands, it was a chilly night. I looked over at the town below us. Bethlehem.

“We're actually lucky. Well, they're probably warmer in that inn.” Peter was still trying to light the fire. We had to watch the sheep for the night. 

John, the youngest of us all at fifteen, said, “I wouldn't have minded. I like people.” I silently disagreed with him, I liked sheep a bit more than people. Sure, sheep were stupid, but they didn't insult you or laugh at you. They loved you and accepted your help every single time they got into trouble.

“But we keep the sheep safe! It's a very important job.” The oldest shepherd, a few years from retiring, sat on a rock and was eating a piece of bread.

“Yeah I know, but it'd be nice to meet new people once in a while.” we all turned our heads to a bleating from one of the lambs. It came from the thorn bushes.

“Sounds like someone accidently found the thorn bushes,” I grunted, standing up. “I'll get her out.”

I walked over to the thorn bush, and sure enough, the little lamb was there. She looked at me with innocent big eyes and I sighed as I took her out. As I held her, I picked out the thorns and when I set her down, she ran, calling to her mother.

I smiled as I watched the lamb hop towards the herd. I walked a few feet back to the ring of rocks, where Peter had a roaring fire going. I was amazed that that had happened in a few minutes.

“Should've brought a couple of branches over, used it for fuel.” He smiled, and I shrugged, “it's only like five feet away, if we need more branches it's not a problem.”

We all sat around the fire, staying quiet as we tried to warm up.

“Hey Aaron, how long have you been a shepherd? Didn't you say you used to be one before you met us?” John asked, placing his hands to the sides of the warmth of the fire.

“Ever since I was your age,” I thought for a bit, using my fingers to count, “so about seven years. But I helped my father out when I was younger. But at fifteen I was a full time shepherd, took over the flocks of our family, and now taking care of what's-his-name’s flock with you guys.”

“To be honest, I like the sheep more than I like him.” David, the oldest of us, whispered. “I know good people when I see them, and he isn't one of them.”

“Don't see why you're whispering, it's no one here but us,” Peter shot a smile and yelled, “YOUR SHEEP ACT BETTER THAN YOU!” His call echoed through the hills, but it wouldn't reach anyone's ears.

We all laughed and then we counted the sheep, making sure they were all there and accounted for.

“All of them are here.” David said, and I nodded.

“Just a normal night I guess.” I sighed and laid down on the grass, the coolness seeping through my robes. I heard the snapping of branches, along with the crackling of the fire. I looked up at the stars and remembered the promise God had given to Abraham those many years ago. That he'd have more descendants than stars.

But that didn't seem possible anymore with the Romans taking over. At least we shepherds weren't bothered too much by them. I started to try and at least count a few of the stars but gave up once I hit a hundred and fifty. I was getting tired, but I had to stay up for a bit more.

Suddenly a great light flared and I stood up, terrified, what was that? My three friends were also startled and cut off their chatting.

Then, my eyes widened. That light, surely it had to come from angels! Or maybe even the Lord Himself!

“Do not be afraid, for we bring you good news!”

Don't be afraid? I thought a star blew up, I thought, but I listened to what the angel said. I was cowering, despite what it had said, how could I not be terrified? It continued, “this news will cause great joy to all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born. He is Messiah, the Lord.”

Messiah! Wonder flashed in my heart, he has come at last! I kept listening to what the angel was saying, “this will be your sign. You will find the baby, wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger.”

Before I could even think the word manger a thousand voices cried, “Glory to God in the highest heaven! And on earth, peace to those who his favor rests on!” 

And then it was quiet. The sky was back to normal. A few shooting stars flew across the night sky. The four of us had been silent, but suddenly, we all burst out, “let's go see this baby!”

“Bethlehem? The town below us?”

“Let's go see him! Let's go see this baby which the Lord told us about!”

“Who will watch the sheep?” Peter suddenly asked.

“Either they'll stay or they'll follow us, come on Peter!!” John ran towards the town of Bethlehem. Peter, David, and I all looked at each other and followed the young man. The excitement that had sprouted within us was so great, that we had forgotten to pick up our rods that we had dropped when the angel startled us.

“Let's go see him.” I said, smiling, trying to catch up to John.

Verrryyyy short :) but hope y'all liked it. Lol i honestly want to make a longer one, but *shrugs* I'm not in the mood rn lol
God bless y'all ❤️

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