Chapter 4: Thanks A Ton.

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I thought silently to myself, thinking about what really happened. Its hard to think about, worse to even explain....


I walked away from Ty's presence, and bid him goodbye as I headed round the corner to my personal Hell. I saw a white truck parked poorly in the driveway, Dad's home...

I knocked on the door, to have it slightly open at my simple touch. I looked around my dark house cautiously, and then hear a bottle crash in the distance.

Oh no, he's drunk. I silently wish to drop dead, as I try to head upstairs as quietly as I could. "Ahh, there you are you little slut." I hear a male voice mumble behind me."I..." I start, but then accidentally let out a whimper, and he looks at me evilly, my Father.

He grabs me by my shirt, and pulls me forward violently. I feel tears roll down my cheeks, as he whispers,"You useless little... slave." Into my ear, tequila heavy on his breath and New York accent.

"Where The Hell were you!?" He yells suddenly at me, as I turn to face him, he looks at me with disgust, and slaps me across my cheek."Did I say, you could look at me? Well, did I?!" My father yells at my tear stained face.

"No. You didn't." I replied calmly, surprisingly not choking on my words.

"Now let me ask again, WHERE WERE YOU?!" He yells, spit flying.

" I went to a friends house, for school work.." I responded after a small breather.

"You little shit!" My Father yells, and then punches me in the stomach, making more tears fall. I look up at him, eyes full of pain and sorrow, and he looks back, with eyes full of hunger.

My Father stares, then lets a punch fly, hitting me square across my face. I stumble back, holding the side of my face with pain and tears. I fall to the ground, and curl up, my knees against my chest.

My Father laughs,"Hah, what a little bitch!" And starts kicking me so hard in the ribs, that I swear my sides will explode. I sob internally, but I feel hot tears fall from my lashes,"Please..."I whimper so quietly that I couldn't even hear my own pain.

"Okay, so either, you give me a good time," My Father whispers into my ear, as I shudder with terror, eyes wide open with fear,"Or I myself will personally kill you, make your choice.."

I cry harder the closer we approach My Dad's bedroom, as he throws me in, and slams the door behind him, a grin of evil spread across his face.


I stopped in my tracks, as Ty walked ahead without noticing. I felt tears race jaggedly down my cheeks, as Ty realized that I had stopped.

"Babe, you okay?" Ty called from up ahead, as I nodded my head briefly in response.

"Just really happy." I plaster a sudden smile, and laugh through my tears.

"I am too, come on, we'll end up missing class." Ty smiles warmly back at me.

I take a small breather, pushing all my thoughts to the side. I wanted to be as happy as I could for Ty, I didn't want to ruin everything by telling him about my depressing problem. I mean, no one wants to be nagged with something like that.

I ran a bit to catch up with him, taking him by the hand. Ty looks down at our hands, intertwined, and blushes furiously. 

"What's wrong? I didn't think you'd get so red from me simply holding your hand." I smirked at him, and he sent me a playful glare.

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